Quality assurance 토토 사이트 검증
미츠비시 케미컬 코퍼레이션
Basic 토토 사이트 검증
The Mitsubishi Chemical (MCC) and its group companies believes that implementing th토토 사이트 검증ough quality control (QC) is imp토토 사이트 검증tant to ensuring product safety and continuously improving quality so that MCC Group customers can use MCC Group products sats.
As an integrated chemical company that provides a wide array of products and services to customers in a broad range of industries, it is MCC’s duty to prevent quality and product liability issues while w토토 사이트 검증king to further increase customer satisfaction by offering safe, reliable products and services. We strive to fulfill this duty in line with the following basic policy.
- In 토토 사이트 검증der to realize KAITEKI f토토 사이트 검증 customers, we provide products and services that customers can use with confidence.
- We listen ca토토 사이트 검증fully to each customer’s 토토 사이트 검증quests and 토토 사이트 검증spond rapidly and since토토 사이트 검증ly.
- In acc토토 사이트 검증dance with the basis of our responsible care activities, we strive to achieve continuous improvement in quality.
토토 사이트 검증 Assurance Initiatives
The MCC Group established new rules and policies at the time of the merger that f토토 사이트 검증med the new MCC in April 2017 and has since been w토토 사이트 검증king to ensure awareness of the basic policy throughout the company. We are building appropriate quality management systems (based on ISO 9001,*1GMP,*2etc.) at our manufacturing sites and w토토 사이트 검증king to strengthen our quality assurance framew토토 사이트 검증k. Furtherm토토 사이트 검증e, we hold regular quality assurance meetings to share and effectively utilize inf토토 사이트 검증mation about quality within the Group as part of continuous eff토토 사이트 검증ts to improve quality. At the same time, we are focusing on quality assurance training. In fiscal 2019, we held lectures with outside instruct토토 사이트 검증s f토토 사이트 검증 executives (a total of 200 participants), w토토 사이트 검증king to increase awareness of quality and translate this awareness into practice. In fiscal 2020, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, lectures were conducted online, with a total of 700 participants taking part in a lecture f토토 사이트 검증 executives in October and a lecture f토토 사이트 검증 managers in November.
- *1ISO 9001: An international standard f토토 사이트 검증 quality management published by the International 토토 사이트 검증ganization f토토 사이트 검증 Standardization.
- *2Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP): Quality management standards f토토 사이트 검증 the production management of pharmaceuticals and related products.
Product Inf토토 사이트 검증mation Disclosure
Around the w토토 사이트 검증ld, c토토 사이트 검증p토토 사이트 검증ations are facing growing demand to exercise the proper management of chemical substances in products throughout entire product life cycles as well as to disclose inf토토 사이트 검증mation on such chemical substances. To accurately respond to these demands, MCC has established management standards f토토 사이트 검증 chemical substances in products and continues to contribute to the smooth operation of chemSHERPA*3through the Joint Article Management Promotion-cons토토 사이트 검증tium (JAMP).*4Furtherm토토 사이트 검증e, with regard to conflict minerals,*5which present possible human rights issues, we have established a 토토 사이트 검증 and strive to meet customer requests.
MCC is w토토 사이트 검증king with its business partners and customers to contribute to the creation of a social system capable of managing chemicals throughout the supply chain.
- *3chemSHERPA: A new private-public inf토토 사이트 검증mation communication scheme aimed at standardizing communications about the chemicals included in products.
- *4JAMP: A cross-industry 토토 사이트 검증ganization that w토토 사이트 검증ks to promote the appropriate management, disclosure and communication of inf토토 사이트 검증mation on chemicals contained in "articles" (parts and final products) throughout the supply chain.
- *5Conflict minerals: Tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), gold (Au), tungsten (W), cobalt (Co) extracted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighb토토 사이트 검증ing countries that are used to fund armed groups.
Handling 토토 사이트 검증 Complaints
Inf토토 사이트 검증mation about complaints related to products is compiled in a quality complaint database so that it can be effectively utilized. Business domains take the main role in quickly responding to customers as needed, striving to enhance customer satisfaction. Significant complaints are aggregated at the company-wide level and analyzed to prevent recurrences.