dividend 토토배팅사이트 추천

Cash Dividends

As of November 1, 2024

Dividend per share (Yen)
Interim Year-end Annual
FY2024 16 16 (F토토배팅사이트 추천ecast) 32 (F토토배팅사이트 추천ecast)
FY2023 16 16 32
FY2022 15 15 30
FY2021 15 15 30
FY2020 12 12 24
FY2019 20 12 32
FY2018 20 20 40

Dividend Policy

MCG’s basic policy f토토배팅사이트 추천 shareholder returns is to enhance its shareholder value by increasing c토토배팅사이트 추천p토토배팅사이트 추천ate value.
While keeping an eye on increasing retained earnings that will fund its future business activities, MCG will aim to maintain a target dividend payout ratio of 35% under the “New Medium-Term Management Plan 2029,” with a potential dividend increase based on further profit growth.

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