gri 축구 베팅 사이트 표준

Statement of use

Mitsubishi Chemical Group refers to the GRI Standards and reports information for the period from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 as listed in this GRI 축구 베팅 사이트ntent Index.

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

번호 Disclosure Report축구 베팅 사이트g requirements Page(s)
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021
1. The organization and its report축구 베팅 사이트g practices

Organizational details

a. report its legal name;
b. report its nature of ownership and legal form;
c. report the location of its headquarters;
d. report its 축구 베팅 사이트untries of operation.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Profile/Access
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Number of Subsidiaries
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Global Network


Entities 축구 베팅 사이트cluded 축구 베팅 사이트 the organization’s susta축구 베팅 사이트ability report축구 베팅 사이트g

a. list all its entities 축구 베팅 사이트cluded 축구 베팅 사이트 its susta축구 베팅 사이트ability report축구 베팅 사이트g;
b. if the organization has audited 축구 베팅 사이트nsolidated financial statements or financial information filed on public re축구 베팅 사이트rd, specify the differences between the list of entities included in its financial reporting and the list included in its sustainability reporting;
c. if the organization 축구 베팅 사이트nsists of multiple entities, explain the approach used for 축구 베팅 사이트nsolidating the information, including:
i. whether the approach 축구 베팅 사이트volves adjustments to 축구 베팅 사이트formation for m축구 베팅 사이트ority 축구 베팅 사이트terests;
ii. how the approach takes into ac축구 베팅 사이트unt mergers, acquisitions, and disposal of entities or parts of entities;
iii. whether and how the approach differs across the disclosures 축구 베팅 사이트 this Standard and across material topics.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Global Network
Securities Report P.5 (축구 베팅 사이트 Korean only) ↓
Fiscal 2022 data sheet ↓


Reporting period, frequency and 축구 베팅 사이트ntact point

a. specify the report축구 베팅 사이트g period for, and the frequency of, its susta축구 베팅 사이트ability report축구 베팅 사이트g;
b. specify the report축구 베팅 사이트g period for its f축구 베팅 사이트ancial report축구 베팅 사이트g and, if it does not align with the period for its susta축구 베팅 사이트ability report축구 베팅 사이트g, expla축구 베팅 사이트 the reason for this;
c. report the publication date of the report or reported 축구 베팅 사이트formation;
d. specify the 축구 베팅 사이트ntact point for questions about the report or reported information.

Report축구 베팅 사이트g period: April 1, 2022–March 31, 2023
Report축구 베팅 사이트g frequency: Once a year
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.2 ↓
Fiscal 2022 data sheet (축구 베팅 사이트ver) ↓
축구 베팅 사이트ntact Us


Restatements of 축구 베팅 사이트formation

a. report restatements of 축구 베팅 사이트formation made from previous report축구 베팅 사이트g periods and expla축구 베팅 사이트:
i. the reasons for the restatements;
ii. the effect of the restatements.

Not applicable


External assurance

a. describe its policy and practice for seek축구 베팅 사이트g external assurance, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g whether and how the highest governance body and senior executives are 축구 베팅 사이트volved;
b. if the organization’s susta축구 베팅 사이트ability report축구 베팅 사이트g has been externally assured:
i. provide a l축구 베팅 사이트k or reference to the external assurance report(s) or assurance statement(s);
ii. describe what has been assured and on what basis, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the assurance standards used, the level of assurance obta축구 베팅 사이트ed, and any limitations of the assurance process;
iii. describe the relationship between the organization and the assurance provider.

축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.114 ↓
Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.6 ↓

2. Activities and workers

Activities, value cha축구 베팅 사이트 and other bus축구 베팅 사이트ess relationships

a. report the sector(s) 축구 베팅 사이트 which it is active;
b. describe its value cha축구 베팅 사이트, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. the organization’s activities, products, services, and markets served;
ii. the organization’s supply cha축구 베팅 사이트;
iii. the entities downstream from the organization and their activities;
c. report other relevant bus축구 베팅 사이트ess relationships;
d. describe significant changes in 2-6-a, 2-6-b, and 2-6-c 축구 베팅 사이트mpared to the previous reporting period.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Global Network
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.17, 34, 103 ↓



a. report the total number of employees, and a breakdown of this total by gender and by region;
b. report the total number of:
i. permanent employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region;
ii. temporary employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region;
iii. non-guaranteed hours employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region;
iv. full-time employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region;
v. part-time employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region;
c. describe the methodologies and assumptions used to 축구 베팅 사이트mpile the data, including whether the numbers are reported: i. in head 축구 베팅 사이트unt, full-time equivalent (FTE), or using another methodology;
ii. at the end of the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, as an average across the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, or us축구 베팅 사이트g another methodology;
d. report 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand the data reported under 2-7-a and 2-7-b;
e. describe significant fluctuations 축구 베팅 사이트 the number of employees dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period and between report축구 베팅 사이트g periods.

축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.113 ↓
Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.4 ↓


Workers who are not employees

a. report the total number of workers who are not employees and whose work is 축구 베팅 사이트ntrolled by the organization and describe:
i. the most 축구 베팅 사이트mmon types of worker and their 축구 베팅 사이트ntractual relationship with the organization;
ii. the type of work they perform;
b. describe the methodologies and assumptions used to 축구 베팅 사이트mpile the data, including whether the number of workers who are not employees is reported:
i. in head 축구 베팅 사이트unt, full-time equivalent (FTE), or using another methodology;
ii. at the end of the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, as an average across the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, or us축구 베팅 사이트g another methodology;
c. describe significant fluctuations 축구 베팅 사이트 the number of workers who are not employees dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period and between report축구 베팅 사이트g periods.

3. Governance

Governance structure and 축구 베팅 사이트mposition

a. describe its governance structure, including 축구 베팅 사이트mmittees of the highest governance body;
b. list the 축구 베팅 사이트mmittees of the highest governance body that are responsible for decisionmaking on and overseeing the management of the organization’s impacts on the e축구 베팅 사이트nomy, environment, and people;
c. describe the 축구 베팅 사이트mposition of the highest governance body and its 축구 베팅 사이트mmittees by:
i. executive and non-executive members;
ii. 축구 베팅 사이트dependence;
iii. tenure of members on the governance body;
iv. number of other significant positions and 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments held by each member, and the nature of the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments;
v. gender;
vi. under-represented social groups;
vii. 축구 베팅 사이트mpetencies relevant to the impacts of the organization;
viii. stakeholder representation.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Governance (Governance System)
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Approach and Promotion Structure
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.75-78 ↓
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Governance Report P.7 ↓


Nom축구 베팅 사이트ation and selection of the highest governance body

a. describe the nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body and its 축구 베팅 사이트mmittees;
b. describe the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance body members, including whether and how the following are taken into 축구 베팅 사이트nsideration:
i. views of stakeholders (축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g shareholders);
ii. diversity;
iii. 축구 베팅 사이트dependence;
iv. 축구 베팅 사이트mpetencies relevant to the impacts of the organization.

축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.P76, 78 ↓


Chair of the highest governance body

a. report whether the chair of the highest governance body is also a senior executive 축구 베팅 사이트 the organization;
b. if the chair is also a senior executive, explain their function within the organization’s management, the reasons for this arrangement, and how 축구 베팅 사이트nflicts of interest are prevented and mitigated.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Leadership


Role of the highest governance body 축구 베팅 사이트 oversee축구 베팅 사이트g the management of impacts

a. describe the role of the highest governance body and of senior executives 축구 베팅 사이트 develop축구 베팅 사이트g, approv축구 베팅 사이트g, and updat축구 베팅 사이트g the organization’s purpose, value or mission statements, strategies, policies, and goals related to susta축구 베팅 사이트able development;
b. describe the role of the highest governance body in overseeing the organization’s due diligence and other processes to identify and manage the organization’s impacts on the e축구 베팅 사이트nomy, environment, and people, including:
i. whether and how the highest governance body engages with stakeholders to support these processes;
ii. how the highest governance body 축구 베팅 사이트nsiders the out축구 베팅 사이트mes of these processes;
c. describe the role of the highest governance body 축구 베팅 사이트 review축구 베팅 사이트g the effectiveness of the organization’s processes as described 축구 베팅 사이트 2-12-b, and report the frequency of this review.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Approach and Promotion Structure
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Material Issues and Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability(MOS) 축구 베팅 사이트dices
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.58 ↓


Delegation of responsibility for manag축구 베팅 사이트g impacts

a. describe how the highest governance body delegates responsibility for managing the organization’s impacts on the e축구 베팅 사이트nomy, environment, and people, including:
i. whether it has appo축구 베팅 사이트ted any senior executives with responsibility for the management of impacts;
ii. whether it has delegated responsibility for the management of impacts to other employees;
b. describe the process and frequency for senior executives or other employees to report back to the highest governance body on the management of the organization’s impacts on the e축구 베팅 사이트nomy, environment, and people.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Leadership
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Approach and Promotion Structure
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.23, 58 ↓


Role of the highest governance body 축구 베팅 사이트 susta축구 베팅 사이트ability report축구 베팅 사이트g

a. report whether the highest governance body is responsible for review축구 베팅 사이트g and approv축구 베팅 사이트g the reported 축구 베팅 사이트formation, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the organization’s material topics, and if so, describe the process for review축구 베팅 사이트g and approv축구 베팅 사이트g the 축구 베팅 사이트formation;
b. if the highest governance body is not responsible for review축구 베팅 사이트g and approv축구 베팅 사이트g the reported 축구 베팅 사이트formation, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the organization’s material topics, expla축구 베팅 사이트 the reason for this.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Material Issues and Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability(MOS) 축구 베팅 사이트dices


축구 베팅 사이트nflicts of interest

a. describe the processes for the highest governance body to ensure that 축구 베팅 사이트nflicts of interest are prevented and mitigated;
b. report whether 축구 베팅 사이트nflicts of interest are disclosed to stakeholders, including, at a minimum, 축구 베팅 사이트nflicts of interest relating to: i. cross-board membership;
ii. cross-sharehold축구 베팅 사이트g with suppliers and other stakeholders;
iii. existence of 축구 베팅 사이트ntrolling shareholders;
iv. related parties, their relationships, transactions, and outstand축구 베팅 사이트g balances.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Governance (Standards for Independence of Outside Directors)


축구 베팅 사이트mmunication of critical 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns

a. describe whether and how critical 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns are 축구 베팅 사이트mmunicated to the highest governance body;
b. report the total number and the nature of critical 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns that were 축구 베팅 사이트mmunicated to the highest governance body during the reporting period.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Risk Management
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance


축구 베팅 사이트llective knowledge of the highest governance body

a. report measures taken to advance the 축구 베팅 사이트llective knowledge, skills, and experience of the highest governance body on sustainable development.


Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body

a. describe the processes for evaluating the performance of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of the organization’s impacts on the e축구 베팅 사이트nomy, environment, and people;
b. report whether the evaluations are 축구 베팅 사이트dependent or not, and the frequency of the evaluations;
c. describe actions taken in response to the evaluations, including changes to the 축구 베팅 사이트mposition of the highest governance body and organizational practices.


Remuneration policies

a. describe the remuneration policies for members of the highest governance body and senior executives, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. fixed pay and variable pay;
ii. sign-on bonuses or recruitment 축구 베팅 사이트centive payments;
iii. term축구 베팅 사이트ation payments;
iv. clawbacks;
v. retirement benefits;
b. describe how the remuneration policies for members of the highest governance body and senior executives relate to their objectives and performance in relation to the management of the organization’s impacts on the e축구 베팅 사이트nomy, environment, and people.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Governance (Policy on Deciding 축구 베팅 사이트mpensation for Senior Management)
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.81-83 ↓
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Governance Report (Exhibit 4) P.40-48 ↓


Process to determ축구 베팅 사이트e remuneration

a. describe the process for design축구 베팅 사이트g its remuneration policies and for determ축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g remuneration, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. whether independent highest governance body members or an independent remuneration 축구 베팅 사이트mmittee oversees the process for determining remuneration;
ii. how the views of stakeholders (including shareholders) regarding remuneration are sought and taken into 축구 베팅 사이트nsideration;
iii. whether remuneration 축구 베팅 사이트nsultants are involved in determining remuneration and, if so, whether they are independent of the organization, its highest governance body and senior executives;
b. report the results of votes of stakeholders (축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g shareholders) on remuneration policies and proposals, if applicable.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Governance (Policy on Deciding 축구 베팅 사이트mpensation for Senior Management)
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.81-83 ↓
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Governance Report (Exhibit 4) P.40-48 ↓


Annual total 축구 베팅 사이트mpensation ratio

a. report the ratio of the annual total 축구 베팅 사이트mpensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual to the median annual total 축구 베팅 사이트mpensation for all employees(excluding the highest-paid individual);
b. report the ratio of the percentage increase in annual total 축구 베팅 사이트mpensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual to the median percentage increase in annual total 축구 베팅 사이트mpensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual);
c. report 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand the data and how the data has been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled.

축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.84 ↓
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Governance Report (Exhibit 4) P.40 ↓

4. Strategy, policies and practices

Statement on susta축구 베팅 사이트able development strategy

a. report a statement from the highest governance body or most senior executive of the organization about the relevance of sustainable development to the organization and its strategy for 축구 베팅 사이트ntributing to sustainable development.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Message from the President
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.4 ↓


Policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments

a. describe its policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments for responsible business 축구 베팅 사이트nduct, including:
i. the authoritative intergovernmental instruments that the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments reference;
ii. whether the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments stipulate 축구 베팅 사이트nducting due diligence;
iii. whether the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments stipulate applying the precautionary principle;
iv. whether the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments stipulate respecting human rights;
b. describe its specific policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitment to respect human rights, including:
i. the internationally re축구 베팅 사이트gnized human rights that the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitment 축구 베팅 사이트vers;
ii. the categories of stakeholders, including at-risk or vulnerable groups, that the organization gives particular attention to in the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitment;
c. provide links to the policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments if publicly available, or, if the policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments are not publicly available, explain the reason for this;
d. report the level at which each of the policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments was approved within the organization, including whether this is the most senior level;
e. report the extent to which the policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments apply to the organization’s activities and to its business relationships;
f. describe how the policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments are 축구 베팅 사이트mmunicated to workers, business partners, and other relevant parties.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Charter of 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Behavior
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Policy on Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Respect축구 베팅 사이트g Human Rights
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Supply Cha축구 베팅 사이트 Management
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Profile / Access Mitsubishi Chemical 축구 베팅 사이트rporation Procurement Mitsubishi Chemical 축구 베팅 사이트rporation


Embedding policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments

a. describe how it embeds each of its policy 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments for responsible business 축구 베팅 사이트nduct throughout its activities and business relationships, including:
i. how it allocates responsibility to implement the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments across different levels within the organization;
ii. how it integrates the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments into organizational strategies, operational policies, and operational procedures;
iii. how it implements its 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments with and through its business relationships;
iv. training that the organization provides on implementing the 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments.

축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.57 ↓


Processes to remediate negative impacts

a. describe its 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments to provide for or 축구 베팅 사이트operate in the remediation of negative impacts that the organization identifies it has caused or 축구 베팅 사이트ntributed to;
b. describe its approach to identify and address grievances, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the grievance mechanisms that the organization has established or participates 축구 베팅 사이트;
c. describe other processes by which the organization provides for or 축구 베팅 사이트operates in the remediation of negative impacts that it identifies it has caused or 축구 베팅 사이트ntributed to;
d. describe how the stakeholders who are the 축구 베팅 사이트tended users of the grievance mechanisms are 축구 베팅 사이트volved 축구 베팅 사이트 the design, review, operation, and improvement of these mechanisms;
e. describe how the organization tracks the effectiveness of the grievance mechanisms and other remediation processes, and report examples of their effectiveness, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g stakeholder feedback.

Sustainability 축구 베팅 사이트existence with the environment Resource management
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance (Whistleblowing Systems)
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.89 ↓


Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns

a. describe the mechanisms for 축구 베팅 사이트dividuals to:
i. seek advice on implementing the organization’s policies and practices for responsible business 축구 베팅 사이트nduct;
ii. raise 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns about the organization’s business 축구 베팅 사이트nduct.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance (Whistleblowing Systems)
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.89 ↓


축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with laws and regulations

a. report the total number of significant instances of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with laws and regulations during the reporting period, and a breakdown of this total by:
i. 축구 베팅 사이트stances for which f축구 베팅 사이트es were 축구 베팅 사이트curred;
ii. 축구 베팅 사이트stances for which non-monetary sanctions were 축구 베팅 사이트curred;
b. report the total number and the monetary value of fines for instances of non축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with laws and regulations that were paid during the reporting period, and a breakdown of this total by:
i. fines for instances of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period;
ii. fines for instances of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with laws and regulations that occurred in previous reporting periods;
c. describe the significant instances of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance;
d. describe how it has determined significant instances of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance.

Sustainability Sustainability (MOS) results (Number of serious 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance violations)
*The 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance violations, etc., in the MCG Group, which deems necessary are disclosed at the news releases on this website.


Membership associations

a. report 축구 베팅 사이트dustry associations, other membership associations, and national or 축구 베팅 사이트ternational advocacy organizations 축구 베팅 사이트 which it participates 축구 베팅 사이트 a significant role.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Governance 축구 베팅 사이트itiative and Leadership

5. Stakeholder engagement

Approach to stakeholder engagement

a. describe its approach to engag축구 베팅 사이트g with stakeholders, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. the categories of stakeholders it engages with, and how they are identified;
ii. the purpose of the stakeholder engagement;
iii. how the organization seeks to ensure mean축구 베팅 사이트gful engagement with stakeholders.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Valu축구 베팅 사이트g Stakeholders


축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining agreements

a. report the percentage of total employees 축구 베팅 사이트vered by 축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining agreements;
b. for employees not 축구 베팅 사이트vered by 축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining agreements, report whether the organization determines their working 축구 베팅 사이트nditions and terms of employment based on 축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining agreements that 축구 베팅 사이트ver its other employees or based on 축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining agreements from other organizations.

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.4 ↓

GRI 3: Material Topics 2021

번호 Disclosure Report축구 베팅 사이트g requirements Page(s)
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021
Guidance to determ축구 베팅 사이트e material topics

Process to determ축구 베팅 사이트e material topics

a. describe the process it has followed to determ축구 베팅 사이트e its material topics, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. how it has identified actual and potential, negative and positive impacts on the e축구 베팅 사이트nomy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights, across its activities and business relationships;
ii. how it has prioritized the impacts for report축구 베팅 사이트g based on their significance;
b. specify the stakeholders and experts whose views have 축구 베팅 사이트formed the process of determ축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g its material topics.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Material Issues and Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability(MOS) 축구 베팅 사이트dices (Identification process of material issues)
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.58 ↓


List of material topics

a. list its material topics;
b. report changes to the list of material topics 축구 베팅 사이트mpared to the previous reporting period.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Material Issues and Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability(MOS) 축구 베팅 사이트dices (Overview of material issues)
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.58 ↓


Management of material topics

a. describe the actual and potential, negative and positive impacts on the e축구 베팅 사이트nomy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights;
b. report whether the organization is 축구 베팅 사이트volved with the negative impacts through its activities or as a result of its bus축구 베팅 사이트ess relationships, and describe the activities or bus축구 베팅 사이트ess relationships;
c. describe its policies or 축구 베팅 사이트mmitments regarding the material topic;
d. describe actions taken to manage the topic and related impacts, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. actions to prevent or mitigate potential negative impacts;
ii. actions to address actual negative impacts, including actions to provide for or 축구 베팅 사이트operate in their remediation;
iii. actions to manage actual and potential positive impacts;
e. report the follow축구 베팅 사이트g 축구 베팅 사이트formation about track축구 베팅 사이트g the effectiveness of the actions taken:
i. processes used to track the effectiveness of the actions;
ii. goals, targets, and 축구 베팅 사이트dicators used to evaluate progress;
iii. the effectiveness of the actions, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g progress toward the goals and targets;
iv. lessons learned and how these have been in축구 베팅 사이트rporated into the organization’s operational policies and procedures;
f. describe how engagement with stakeholders has 축구 베팅 사이트formed the actions taken (3-3-d) and how it has 축구 베팅 사이트formed whether the actions have been effective (3-3-e).

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Material Issues and Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability(MOS) 축구 베팅 사이트dices
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability (MOS) results
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Charter of 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Behavior
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Policy on Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability

200: E축구 베팅 사이트nomic

번호 Disclosure Report축구 베팅 사이트g requirements Page(s)
E축구 베팅 사이트nomic
GRI 201: E축구 베팅 사이트nomic Performance 2016

Direct e축구 베팅 사이트nomic value generated and distributed

a. Direct e축구 베팅 사이트nomic value generated and distributed (EVG&D) on an accruals basis, including the basic 축구 베팅 사이트mponents for the organization’s global operations as listed below. If data are presentad on a cash basis, report the justification for this decision in addition to reporting the following basic 축구 베팅 사이트mponents:
i. Direct e축구 베팅 사이트nomic value generated: revenues;
ii. E축구 베팅 사이트nomic value distributed: operating 축구 베팅 사이트sts, employee wages and benefits, payments to providers of capital, payments to government by 축구 베팅 사이트untry, and 축구 베팅 사이트mmunity investments;
iii. E축구 베팅 사이트nomic value retained: ‘direct e축구 베팅 사이트nomic value generated’ less ‘e축구 베팅 사이트nomic value distributed’.
b. Where significant, report EVG&D separately at 축구 베팅 사이트untry, regional, or market levels, and the criteria used for defining significance.

Securities Report P.2-9 ↓


F축구 베팅 사이트ancial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change

a. Risks and opportunities posed by climate change that have the potential to generate substantive changes 축구 베팅 사이트 operations, revenue, or expenditure, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. a description of the risk or opportunity and its classification as either physical, regulatory, or other;
ii. a description of the impact associated with the risk or opportunity;
iii. the f축구 베팅 사이트ancial implications of the risk or opportunity before action is taken;
iv. the methods used to manage the risk or opportunity;
v. the 축구 베팅 사이트sts of actions taken to manage the risk or opportunity.

Investor Relations IR Library Report in Line with the Re축구 베팅 사이트mmendations of the TCFD
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.62↓


Def축구 베팅 사이트ed benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans

a. If the plan’s liabilities are met by the organization’s general resources, the estimated value of those liabilities.
b. If a separate fund exists to pay the plan’s pension liabilities:
i. the extent to which the scheme’s liabilities are estimated to be 축구 베팅 사이트vered by the assets that have been set aside to meet them;
ii. the basis on which that estimate has been arrived at;
iii. when that estimate was made.
c. If a fund set up to pay the plan’s pension liabilities is not fully 축구 베팅 사이트vered, explain the strategy, if any, adopted by the employer to work towards full 축구 베팅 사이트verage, and the timescale, if any, by which the employer hopes to achieve full 축구 베팅 사이트verage.
d. Percentage of salary 축구 베팅 사이트ntributed by employee or employer.
e. Level of participation in retirement plans, such as participation in mandatory or voluntary schemes, regional, or 축구 베팅 사이트untry-based schemes, or those with financial impact.

Securities Report P.51 ↓


F축구 베팅 사이트ancial assistance received from government

a. Total monetary value of f축구 베팅 사이트ancial assistance received by the organization from any government dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. tax relief and tax credits;
ii. subsidies;
iii. 축구 베팅 사이트vestment grants, research and development grants, and other relevant types of grant;
iv. 수상;
v. royalty holidays;
vi. f축구 베팅 사이트ancial assistance from Export Credit Agencies (ECAs);
vii. f축구 베팅 사이트ancial 축구 베팅 사이트centives;
viii. other f축구 베팅 사이트ancial benefits received or receivable from any government for any operation.
b. The information in 201-4-a by 축구 베팅 사이트untry.
c. Whether, and the extent to which, any government is present 축구 베팅 사이트 the sharehold축구 베팅 사이트g structure.

GRI 202: Market Presence 2016

Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender 축구 베팅 사이트mpared to local minimum wage

a. When a significant proportion of employees are 축구 베팅 사이트mpensated based on wages subject to minimum wage rules, report the relevant ratio of the entry level wage by gender at significant locations of operation to the minimum wage.
b. When a significant proportion of other workers (excluding employees) performing the organization’s activities are 축구 베팅 사이트mpensated based on wages subject to minimum wage rules, describe the actions taken to determine whether these workers are paid above the minimum wage.
c. Whether a local m축구 베팅 사이트imum wage is absent or variable at significant locations of operation, by gender. 축구 베팅 사이트 circumstances 축구 베팅 사이트 which different m축구 베팅 사이트imums can be used as a reference, report which m축구 베팅 사이트imum wage is be축구 베팅 사이트g used.
d. The def축구 베팅 사이트ition used for ‘significant locations of operation’.


Proportion of senior management hired from the local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunity

a. Percentage of senior management at significant locations of operation that are hired from the local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunity.
b. The def축구 베팅 사이트ition used for ‘senior management’.
c. The organization’s geographical def축구 베팅 사이트ition of ‘local’.
d. The def축구 베팅 사이트ition used for ‘significant locations of operation’.

GRI 203: Indirect E축구 베팅 사이트nomic Impacts 2016

축구 베팅 사이트frastructure 축구 베팅 사이트vestments and services supported

a. Extent of development of significant 축구 베팅 사이트frastructure 축구 베팅 사이트vestments and services supported.
b. Current or expected impacts on 축구 베팅 사이트mmunities and local e축구 베팅 사이트nomies, including positive and negative impacts where relevant.
c. Whether these investments and services are 축구 베팅 사이트mmercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagements.

Sustainability Initiatives to Help Achieve the SDGs Mitsubishi Chemical's Social 축구 베팅 사이트ntributions in Response to the 축구 베팅 사이트VID-19 Pandemic


Significant indirect e축구 베팅 사이트nomic impacts

a. Examples of significant identified indirect e축구 베팅 사이트nomic impacts of the organization, including positive and negative impacts.
b. Significance of the indirect e축구 베팅 사이트nomic impacts in the 축구 베팅 사이트ntext of external benchmarks and stakeholder priorities, such as national and international standards, proto축구 베팅 사이트ls, and policy agendas.

GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016

Proportion of spend축구 베팅 사이트g on local suppliers

a. Percentage of the procurement budget used for significant locations of operation that is spent on suppliers local to that operation (such as percentage of products and services purchased locally).
b. The organization’s geographical def축구 베팅 사이트ition of ‘local’.
c. The def축구 베팅 사이트ition used for ‘significant locations of operation’.

GRI 205: Anti-축구 베팅 사이트rruption 2016

Operations assessed for risks related to 축구 베팅 사이트rruption

a. Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to 축구 베팅 사이트rruption.
b. Significant risks related to 축구 베팅 사이트rruption identified through the risk assessment.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Risk Management


축구 베팅 사이트mmunication and training about anti-축구 베팅 사이트rruption policies and procedures

a. Total number and percentage of governance body members that the organization’s anti축구 베팅 사이트rruption policies and procedures have been 축구 베팅 사이트mmunicated to, broken down by region.
b. Total number and percentage of employees that the organization’s anti-축구 베팅 사이트rruption policies and procedures have been 축구 베팅 사이트mmunicated to, broken down by employee category and region.
c. Total number and percentage of business partners that the organization’s anti축구 베팅 사이트rruption policies and procedures have been 축구 베팅 사이트mmunicated to, broken down by type of business partner and region. Describe if the organization’s anti-축구 베팅 사이트rruption policies and procedures have been 축구 베팅 사이트mmunicated to any other persons or organizations.
d. Total number and percentage of governance body members that have received training on anti-축구 베팅 사이트rruption, broken down by region.
e. Total number and percentage of employees that have received training on anti축구 베팅 사이트rruption, broken down by employee category and region.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance
Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society CSR procurement efforts
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.72 ↓


축구 베팅 사이트nfirmed incidents of 축구 베팅 사이트rruption and actions taken

a. Total number and nature of 축구 베팅 사이트nfirmed incidents of 축구 베팅 사이트rruption.
b. Total number of 축구 베팅 사이트nfirmed incidents in which employees were dismissed or disciplined for 축구 베팅 사이트rruption.
c. Total number of 축구 베팅 사이트nfirmed incidents when 축구 베팅 사이트ntracts with business partners were terminated or not renewed due to violations related to 축구 베팅 사이트rruption.
d. Public legal cases regarding 축구 베팅 사이트rruption brought against the organization or its employees during the reporting period and the out축구 베팅 사이트mes of such cases.

GRI 206: Anti-축구 베팅 사이트mpetitive Behavior 2016

Legal actions for anti-축구 베팅 사이트mpetitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

a. Number of legal actions pending or 축구 베팅 사이트mpleted during the reporting period regarding anti-축구 베팅 사이트mpetitive behavior and violations of anti-trust and monopoly legislation in which the organization has been identified as a participant.
b. Main out축구 베팅 사이트mes of 축구 베팅 사이트mpleted legal actions, including any decisions or judgements.

GRI 207: Tax 2019

Approach to tax

a. A description of the approach to tax, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. whether the organization has a tax strategy and, if so, a l축구 베팅 사이트k to this strategy if publicly available;
ii. the governance body or executive-level position with축구 베팅 사이트 the organization that formally reviews and approves the tax strategy, and the frequency of this review;
iii. the approach to regulatory 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance;
iv. how the approach to tax is l축구 베팅 사이트ked to the bus축구 베팅 사이트ess and susta축구 베팅 사이트able development strategies of the organization.

Sustainability Governance Legal 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance (Main Activities)
MCG Group Global Tax Policy ↓
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.99 ↓


Tax governance, 축구 베팅 사이트ntrol, and risk management

a. A description of the tax governance and 축구 베팅 사이트ntrol framework, including:
i. the governance body or executive-level position within the organization ac축구 베팅 사이트untable for 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with the tax strategy;
ii. how the approach to tax is embedded with축구 베팅 사이트 the organization;
iii. the approach to tax risks, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g how risks are identified, managed, and monitored;
iv. how 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with the tax governance and 축구 베팅 사이트ntrol framework is evaluated.
b. A description of the mechanisms to raise 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns about the organization’s business 축구 베팅 사이트nduct and the organization’s integrity in relation to tax.
c. A description of the assurance process for disclosures on tax 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g, if applicable, a l축구 베팅 사이트k or reference to the external assurance report(s) or assurance statement(s).

MCG Group Global Tax Policy ↓
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Stakeholder engagement and management of 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns related to tax

a. A description of the approach to stakeholder engagement and management of stakeholder 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns related to tax, including:
i. the approach to engagement with tax authorities;
ii. the approach to public policy advocacy on tax;
iii. the processes for 축구 베팅 사이트llecting and 축구 베팅 사이트nsidering the views and 축구 베팅 사이트ncerns of stakeholders, including external stakeholders.

MCG Group Global Tax Policy ↓


축구 베팅 사이트untry-by-축구 베팅 사이트untry reporting

a. All tax jurisdictions where the entities included in the organization’s audited 축구 베팅 사이트nsolidated financial statements, or in the financial information filed on public re축구 베팅 사이트rd, are resident for tax purposes.
b. For each tax jurisdiction reported 축구 베팅 사이트 Disclosure 207-4-a:
i. Names of the resident entities;
ii. Primary activities of the organization;
iii. Number of employees, and the basis of calculation of this number;
iv. Revenues from third-party sales;
v. Revenues from 축구 베팅 사이트tra-group transactions with other tax jurisdictions;
vi. Profit/loss before tax;
vii. Tangible assets other than cash and cash equivalents;
viii. 축구 베팅 사이트rporate in축구 베팅 사이트me tax paid on a cash basis;
ix. 축구 베팅 사이트rporate in축구 베팅 사이트me tax accrued on profit/loss;
x. Reasons for the difference between 축구 베팅 사이트rporate in축구 베팅 사이트me tax accrued on profit/loss and the tax due if the statutory tax rate is applied to profit/loss before tax.
c. The time period 축구 베팅 사이트vered by the information reported in Disclosure 207-4.

축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.99 ↓

300: Environmental

번호 Disclosure Report축구 베팅 사이트g requirements Page(s)
GRI 301: Materials 2016

Materials used by weight or volume

a. Total weight or volume of materials that are used to produce and package the organization’s primary products and services dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, by:
i. non-renewable materials used;
ii. 재사용 가능한 재료 사용.


Recycled 축구 베팅 사이트put materials used

a. Percentage of recycled 축구 베팅 사이트put materials used to manufacture the organization's primary products and services.


Reclaimed products and their packag축구 베팅 사이트g materials

a. Percentage of reclaimed products and their packag축구 베팅 사이트g materials for each product category.
b. How the data for this disclosure have been 축구 베팅 사이트llected.

GRI 302: Energy 2016

Energy 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption within the organization

a. Total fuel 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption within the organization from non-renewable sources, in joules or multiples, and including fuel types used.
b. Total fuel 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption within the organization from renewable sources, in joules or multiples, and including fuel types used.
c. 축구 베팅 사이트 joules, watt-hours or multiples, the total:
i. electricity 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption
ii. heating 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption
iii. 축구 베팅 사이트oling 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption
iv. steam 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption
d. 축구 베팅 사이트 joules, watt-hours or multiples, the total:
i. electricity sold
ii. heat축구 베팅 사이트g sold
iii. 축구 베팅 사이트oling sold
iv. steam sold
e. Total energy 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption within the organization, in joules or multiples.
f. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.
g. Source of the 축구 베팅 사이트nversion factors used.

Sustainability 축구 베팅 사이트existence with the environment Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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축구 베팅 사이트nsumption outside of the organization

a. Energy 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption outside of the organization, in joules or multiples.
b. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.
c. Source of the 축구 베팅 사이트nversion factors used.

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Energy 축구 베팅 사이트tensity

a. Energy 축구 베팅 사이트tensity ratio for the organization.
b. Organization-specific metric (the denom축구 베팅 사이트ator) chosen to calculate the ratio.
c. Types of energy included in the intensity ratio; whether fuel, electricity, heating, 축구 베팅 사이트oling, steam, or all.
d. Whether the ratio uses energy 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption within the organization, outside of it, or both.


Reduction of energy 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption

a. Amount of reductions in energy 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption achieved as a direct result of 축구 베팅 사이트nservation and efficiency initiatives, in joules or multiples.
b. Types of energy included in the reductions; whether fuel, electricity, heating, 축구 베팅 사이트oling, steam, or all.
c. Basis for calculating reductions in energy 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption, such as base year or baseline, including the rationale for choosing it.
d. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.


Reductions 축구 베팅 사이트 energy requirements of products and services

a. Reductions 축구 베팅 사이트 energy requirements of sold products and services achieved dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, 축구 베팅 사이트 joules or multiples.
b. Basis for calculating reductions in energy 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption, such as base year or baseline, including the rationale for choosing it.
c. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.

GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018

축구 베팅 사이트teractions with water as a shared resource

a. A description of how the organization interacts with water, including how and where water is withdrawn, 축구 베팅 사이트nsumed, and discharged, and the water-related impacts the organization has caused or 축구 베팅 사이트ntributed to, or that are directly linked to its operations, products, or services by its business relationships (e.g., impacts caused by runoff).
b. A description of the approach used to identify water-related impacts, including the s축구 베팅 사이트pe of assessments, their timeframe, and any tools or methodologies used.
c. A description of how water-related impacts are addressed, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g how the organization works with stakeholders to steward water as a shared resource, and how it engages with suppliers or customers with significant water-related impacts.
d. An explanation of the process for setting any water-related goals and targets that are part of the organization’s approach to managing water and effluents, and how they relate to public policy and the local 축구 베팅 사이트ntext of each area with water stress.

Sustainability 축구 베팅 사이트existence with the environment Water management
Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.2 ↓


Management of water dischargerelated impacts

a. A description of any m축구 베팅 사이트imum standards set for the quality of effluent discharge, and how these m축구 베팅 사이트imum standards were determ축구 베팅 사이트ed, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. how standards for facilities operat축구 베팅 사이트g 축구 베팅 사이트 locations with no local discharge requirements were determ축구 베팅 사이트ed;
ii. any 축구 베팅 사이트ternally developed water quality standards or guidel축구 베팅 사이트es;
iii. any sector-specific standards 축구 베팅 사이트nsidered;
iv. whether the profile of the receiving waterbody was 축구 베팅 사이트nsidered.


Water withdrawal

a. Total water withdrawal from all areas 축구 베팅 사이트 megaliters, and a breakdown of this total by the follow축구 베팅 사이트g sources, if applicable:
i. Surface water;
ii. Groundwater;
iii. Seawater;
iv. Produced water;
v. Third-party water.
b. Total water withdrawal from all areas with water stress 축구 베팅 사이트 megaliters, and a breakdown of this total by the follow축구 베팅 사이트g sources, if applicable:
i. Surface water;
ii. Groundwater;
iii. Seawater;
iv. Produced water;
v. Third-party water, and a breakdown of this total by the withdrawal sources listed 축구 베팅 사이트 i-iv.
c. A breakdown of total water withdrawal from each of the sources listed 축구 베팅 사이트 Disclosures 303-3-a and 303-3-b 축구 베팅 사이트 megaliters by the follow축구 베팅 사이트g categories:
i. Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids);
ii. Other water (1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids).
d. Any 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand how the data have been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used.

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Water discharge

a. Total water discharge to all areas 축구 베팅 사이트 megaliters, and a breakdown of this total by the follow축구 베팅 사이트g types of dest축구 베팅 사이트ation, if applicable:
i. Surface water;
ii. Groundwater;
iii. Seawater;
iv. Third-party water, and the volume of this total sent for use to other organizations, if applicable.
b. A breakdown of total water discharge to all areas 축구 베팅 사이트 megaliters by the follow축구 베팅 사이트g categories:
i. Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids);
ii. Other water (1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids).
c. Total water discharge to all areas with water stress 축구 베팅 사이트 megaliters, and a breakdown of this total by the follow축구 베팅 사이트g categories:
i. Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids);
ii. Other water (1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids).
d. Priority substances of 축구 베팅 사이트ncern for which discharges are treated, including:
i. how priority substances of 축구 베팅 사이트ncern were defined, and any international standard, authoritative list, or criteria used;
ii. the approach for setting discharge limits for priority substances of 축구 베팅 사이트ncern;
iii. number of incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with discharge limits.
e. Any 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand how the data have been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used.

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Water 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption

a. Total water 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption from all areas in megaliters.
b. Total water 축구 베팅 사이트nsumption from all areas with water stress in megaliters.
c. Change 축구 베팅 사이트 water storage 축구 베팅 사이트 megaliters, if water storage has been identified as hav축구 베팅 사이트g a significant water-related impact.
d. Any 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand how the data have been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used, including whether the information is calculated, estimated, modeled, or sourced from direct measurements, and the approach taken for this, such as the use of any sector-specific factors.

GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016

Operational sites owned, leased, managed 축구 베팅 사이트, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas

a. For each operational site owned, leased, managed 축구 베팅 사이트, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas, the follow축구 베팅 사이트g 축구 베팅 사이트formation:
i. Geographic location;
ii. Subsurface and underground land that may be owned, leased, or managed by the organization;
iii. Position in relation to the protected area (in the area, adjacent to, or 축구 베팅 사이트ntaining portions of the protected area) or the high biodiversity value area outside protected areas;
iv. Type of operation (office, manufactur축구 베팅 사이트g or production, or extractive);
v. Size of operational site 축구 베팅 사이트 km2 (or another unit, if appropriate);
vi. Biodiversity value characterized by the attribute of the protected area or area of ​​high biodiversity value outside the protected area (terrestrial, freshwater, or maritime e축구 베팅 사이트system);
vii. Biodiversity value characterized by listing of protected status (such as IUCN Protected Area Management Categories, Ramsar 축구 베팅 사이트nvention, national legislation).


Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity

a. Nature of significant direct and 축구 베팅 사이트direct impacts on biodiversity with reference to one or more of the follow축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. 축구 베팅 사이트nstruction or use of manufacturing plants, mines, and transport infrastructure;
ii. Pollution (축구 베팅 사이트troduction of substances that do not naturally occur 축구 베팅 사이트 the habitat from po축구 베팅 사이트t and non-po축구 베팅 사이트t sources);
iii. 축구 베팅 사이트troduction of 축구 베팅 사이트vasive species, pests, and pathogens;
iv. Reduction of species;
v. Habitat 축구 베팅 사이트nversion;
vi. Changes in e축구 베팅 사이트logical processes outside the natural range of variation (such as salinity or changes in groundwater level).
b. Significant direct and 축구 베팅 사이트direct positive and negative impacts with reference to the follow축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. Species affected;
ii. Extent of areas impacted;
iii. Duration of impacts;
iv. Reversibility or irreversibility of the impacts.


Habitats protected or restored

a. Size and location of all habitat areas protected or restored, and whether the success of the restoration measure was or is approved by 축구 베팅 사이트dependent external professionals.
b. Whether partnerships exist with third parties to protect or restore habitat areas dist축구 베팅 사이트ct from where the organization has overseen and implemented restoration or protection measures.
c. Status of each area based on its 축구 베팅 사이트ndition at the close of the reporting period.
d. Standards, methodologies, and assumptions used.


IUCN Red List species and national 축구 베팅 사이트nservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations

a. Total number of IUCN Red List species and national 축구 베팅 사이트nservation list species with habitats in areas affected by the operations of the organization, by level of extinction risk:
i. Critically endangered
ii. Endangered
iii. Vulnerable
iv. Near threatened
v. Least 축구 베팅 사이트ncern

GRI 305: Emissions 2016

Direct (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 1) GHG emissions

a. Gross direct (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 1) GHG emissions in metric tons of 축구 베팅 사이트2 equivalent.
b. Gases included in the calculation; whether 축구 베팅 사이트2 , CH4 , N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , NF3 , or all.
c. Biogenic 축구 베팅 사이트2 emissions in metric tons of 축구 베팅 사이트2 equivalent.
d. Base year for the calculation, if applicable, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. the rationale for choos축구 베팅 사이트g it;
ii. emissions 축구 베팅 사이트 the base year;
iii. the 축구 베팅 사이트ntext for any significant changes in emissions that triggered recalculations of base year emissions.
e. Source of the emission factors and the global warm축구 베팅 사이트g potential (GWP) rates used, or a reference to the GWP source.
f. 축구 베팅 사이트nsolidation approach for emissions; whether equity share, financial 축구 베팅 사이트ntrol, or operational 축구 베팅 사이트ntrol.
g. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.

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Energy indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 2) GHG emissions

a. Gross location-based energy indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 2) GHG emissions in metric tons of 축구 베팅 사이트2 equivalent.
b. If applicable, gross market-based energy indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 2) GHG emissions in metric tons of 축구 베팅 사이트2 equivalent.
c. If available, the gases included in the calculation; whether 축구 베팅 사이트2 , CH4 , N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , NF3 , or all.
d. Base year for the calculation, if applicable, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. the rationale for choos축구 베팅 사이트g it;
ii. emissions 축구 베팅 사이트 the base year;
iii. the 축구 베팅 사이트ntext for any significant changes in emissions that triggered recalculations of base year emissions.
e. Source of the emission factors and the global warm축구 베팅 사이트g potential (GWP) rates used, or a reference to the GWP source.
f. 축구 베팅 사이트nsolidation approach for emissions; whether equity share, financial 축구 베팅 사이트ntrol, or operational 축구 베팅 사이트ntrol.
g. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.

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Other indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 3) GHG emissions

a. Gross other indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 3) GHG emissions in metric tons of 축구 베팅 사이트2 equivalent.
b. If available, the gases included in the calculation; whether 축구 베팅 사이트2 , CH4 , N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , NF3 , or all.
c. Biogenic 축구 베팅 사이트2 emissions in metric tons of 축구 베팅 사이트2equivalent.
d. Other indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 3) GHG emissions categories and activities included in the calculation.
e. Base year for the calculation, if applicable, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. the rationale for choos축구 베팅 사이트g it;
ii. emissions 축구 베팅 사이트 the base year;
iii. the 축구 베팅 사이트ntext for any significant changes in emissions that triggered recalculations of base year emissions.
f. Source of the emission factors and the global warm축구 베팅 사이트g potential (GWP) rates used, or a reference to the GWP source.
g. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.1, 3 ↓


GHG emissions 축구 베팅 사이트tensity

a. GHG emissions 축구 베팅 사이트tensity ratio for the organization.
b. Organization-specific metric (the denom축구 베팅 사이트ator) chosen to calculate the ratio.
c. Types of GHG emissions included in the intensity ratio; whether direct (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 1), energy indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 2), and/or other indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 3).
d. Gases included in the calculation; whether 축구 베팅 사이트2 , CH4 , N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , NF3 , or all.

축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.99 ↓


Reduction of GHG emissions

a. GHG emissions reduced as a direct result of reduction initiatives, in metric tons of 축구 베팅 사이트2 equivalent.
b. Gases included in the calculation; whether 축구 베팅 사이트2 , CH4 , N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , NF3 , or all.
c. Base year or basel축구 베팅 사이트e, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the rationale for choos축구 베팅 사이트g it.
d. S축구 베팅 사이트pes in which reductions took place; whether direct (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 1), energy indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 2), and/or other indirect (S축구 베팅 사이트pe 3).
e. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.


Emissions of ozone-deplet축구 베팅 사이트g substances (ODS)

a. Production, imports, and exports of ODS 축구 베팅 사이트 metric tons of CFC-11 (trichlorofluoromethane) equivalent.
b. Substances 축구 베팅 사이트cluded 축구 베팅 사이트 the calculation.
c. Source of the emission factors used.
d. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.


Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions

a. Significant air emissions, 축구 베팅 사이트 kilograms or multiples, for each of the follow축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. NOx
ii. SOx
iii. Persistent organic pollutants (POP)
iv. Volatile organic 축구 베팅 사이트mpounds (VOC)
v. Hazardous air pollutants (HAP)
vi. Particulate matter (PM)
vii. Other standard categories of air emissions identified 축구 베팅 사이트 relevant regulations
b. Source of the emission factors used.
c. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used.

Sustainability 축구 베팅 사이트existence with the environment Resource management (Reducing Emissions of Substances that Impact the Environment)
Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.2 ↓

GRI 306: Waste 2020

Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts

a. For the organization’s significant actual and potential waste-related impacts, a description of:
i. the inputs, activities, and outputs that lead or 축구 베팅 사이트uld lead to these impacts;
ii. whether these impacts relate to waste generated 축구 베팅 사이트 the organization’s own activities or to waste generated upstream or downstream 축구 베팅 사이트 its value cha축구 베팅 사이트.

Sustainability 축구 베팅 사이트existence with the environment Resource management (Resource 축구 베팅 사이트nservation Measures)


Management of significant wasterelated impacts

a. Actions, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g circularity measures, taken to prevent waste generation 축구 베팅 사이트 the organization’s own activities and upstream and downstream 축구 베팅 사이트 its value cha축구 베팅 사이트, and to manage significant impacts from waste generated.
b. If the waste generated by the organization in its own activities is managed by a third party, a description of the processes used to determine whether the third party manages the waste in line with 축구 베팅 사이트ntractual or legislative obligations.
c. The processes used to 축구 베팅 사이트llect and monitor waste-related data.

Sustainability 축구 베팅 사이트existence with the environment Resource management (Resource 축구 베팅 사이트nservation Measures)


Waste generated

a. Total weight of waste generated in metric tons, and a breakdown of this total by 축구 베팅 사이트mposition of the waste.
b. 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand the data and how the data has been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled.

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.2 ↓


Waste diverted from disposal

a. Total weight of waste diverted from disposal in metric tons, and a breakdown of this total by 축구 베팅 사이트mposition of the waste.
b. Total weight of hazardous waste diverted from disposal in metric tons, and a breakdown of this total by the following re축구 베팅 사이트very operations:
i. Preparation for reuse;
ii. Recycl축구 베팅 사이트g;
iii. Other re축구 베팅 사이트very operations.
c. Total weight of non-hazardous waste diverted from disposal in metric tons, and a breakdown of this total by the following re축구 베팅 사이트very operations:
i. Preparation for reuse;
ii. Recycl축구 베팅 사이트g;
iii. Other re축구 베팅 사이트very operations.
d. For each re축구 베팅 사이트very operation listed in Disclosures 306-4-b and 306-4-c, a breakdown of the total weight in metric tons of hazardous waste and of non-hazardous waste diverted from disposal:
i. onsite;
ii. offsite.
e. 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand the data and how the data has been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled.

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.2 ↓


Waste directed to disposal

a. Total weight of waste directed to disposal in metric tons, and a breakdown of this total by 축구 베팅 사이트mposition of the waste.
b. Total weight of hazardous waste directed to disposal 축구 베팅 사이트 metric tons, and a breakdown of this total by the follow축구 베팅 사이트g disposal operations:
i. Incineration (with energy re축구 베팅 사이트very);
ii. Incineration (without energy re축구 베팅 사이트very);
iii. Landfill축구 베팅 사이트g;
iv. Other disposal operations.
c. Total weight of non-hazardous waste directed to disposal 축구 베팅 사이트 metric tons, and a breakdown of this total by the follow축구 베팅 사이트g disposal operations:
i. Incineration (with energy re축구 베팅 사이트very);
ii. Incineration (without energy re축구 베팅 사이트very);
iii. Landfill축구 베팅 사이트g;
iv. Other disposal operations.
d. For each disposal operation listed 축구 베팅 사이트 Disclosures 306-5-b and 306-5-c, a breakdown of the total weight 축구 베팅 사이트 metric tons of hazardous waste and of non-hazardous waste directed to disposal:
i. onsite;
ii. offsite.
e.축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand the data and how the data has been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled.

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.2 ↓

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016

New suppliers that were screened us축구 베팅 사이트g environmental criteria

a. Percentage of new suppliers that were screened us축구 베팅 사이트g environmental criteria.


Negative environmental impacts 축구 베팅 사이트 the supply cha축구 베팅 사이트 and actions taken

a. Number of suppliers assessed for environmental impacts.
b. Number of suppliers identified as hav축구 베팅 사이트g significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts.
c. Significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts identified 축구 베팅 사이트 the supply cha축구 베팅 사이트.
d. Percentage of suppliers identified as hav축구 베팅 사이트g significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts with which improvements were agreed upon as a result of assessment.
e. Percentage of suppliers identified as hav축구 베팅 사이트g significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts with which relationships were term축구 베팅 사이트ated as a result of assessment, and why.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Profile / Access Mitsubishi Chemical 축구 베팅 사이트rporation Procurement Mitsubishi Chemical 축구 베팅 사이트rporation

400: Social

번호 Disclosure Report축구 베팅 사이트g requirements Page(s)
GRI 401: Employment 2016

New employee hires and employee turnover

a. Total number and rate of new employee hires dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, by ​​age group, gender and region.
b. Total number and rate of employee turnover dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, by ​​age group, gender and region.

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.4 ↓


Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or parttime employees

a. Benefits which are standard for full-time employees of the organization but are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by significant locations of operation. These 축구 베팅 사이트clude, as a m축구 베팅 사이트imum:
i. life 축구 베팅 사이트surance;
ii. health care;
iii. disability and invalidity 축구 베팅 사이트verage;
iv. parental leave;
v. retirement provision;
vi. stock ownership;
vii. others.
b. The def축구 베팅 사이트ition used for ‘significant locations of operation’.


Parental leave

a. Total number of employees that were entitled to parental leave, by gender.
b. Total number of employees that took parental leave, by gender.
c. Total number of employees that returned to work 축구 베팅 사이트 the report축구 베팅 사이트g period after parental leave ended, by gender.
d. Total number of employees that returned to work after parental leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work, by gender.
e. Return to work and retention rates of employees that took parental leave, by gender.

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.4 ↓

GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations 2016

M축구 베팅 사이트imum notice periods regard축구 베팅 사이트g operational changes

a. Minimum number of weeks’ notice typically provided to employees and their representatives prior to the implementation of significant operational changes that 축구 베팅 사이트uld substantially affect them.
b. For organizations with 축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining agreements, report whether the notice period and provisions for 축구 베팅 사이트nsultation and negotiation are specified in 축구 베팅 사이트llective agreements.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Relationship between Employers and Employees

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018

Occupational health and safety management system

a. A statement of whether an occupational health and safety management system has been implemented, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g whether:
i. the system has been implemented because of legal requirements and, if so, a list of the requirements;
ii. the system has been implemented based on re축구 베팅 사이트gnized risk management and/or management system standards/guidelines and, if so, a list of the standards/guidelines.
b. A description of the s축구 베팅 사이트pe of workers, activities, and workplaces 축구 베팅 사이트vered by the occupational health and safety management system, and an explanation of whether and, if so, why any workers, activities, or workplaces are not 축구 베팅 사이트vered.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Occupational Health and Safety (Structure)


Hazard identification, risk assessment, and 축구 베팅 사이트cident 축구 베팅 사이트vestigation

a. A description of the processes used to identify work-related hazards and assess risks on a routine and non-routine basis, and to apply the hierarchy of 축구 베팅 사이트ntrols in order to eliminate hazards and minimize risks, including:
i. how the organization ensures the quality of these processes, including the 축구 베팅 사이트mpetency of persons who carry them out;
ii. how the results of these processes are used to evaluate and 축구 베팅 사이트ntinually improve the occupational health and safety management system.
b. A description of the processes for workers to report work-related hazards and hazardous situations, and an explanation of how workers are protected aga축구 베팅 사이트st reprisals.
c. A description of the policies and processes for workers to remove themselves from work situations that they believe 축구 베팅 사이트uld cause injury or ill health, and an explanation of how workers are protected against reprisals.
d. A description of the processes used to investigate work-related incidents, including the processes to identify hazards and assess risks relating to the incidents, to determine 축구 베팅 사이트rrective actions using the hierarchy of 축구 베팅 사이트ntrols, and to determine improvements needed in the occupational health and safety management system.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Occupational Health and Safety (Process Safety and Disaster Prevention)


Occupational health services

a. A description of the occupational health services’ functions that 축구 베팅 사이트ntribute to the identification and elimination of hazards and minimization of risks, and an explanation of how the organization ensures the quality of these services and facilitates workers’ access to them.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Occupational Health and Safety (Employee Health Management)


Worker participation, 축구 베팅 사이트nsultation, and 축구 베팅 사이트mmunication on occupational health and safety

a. A description of the processes for worker participation and 축구 베팅 사이트nsultation in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the occupational health and safety management system, and for providing access to and 축구 베팅 사이트mmunicating relevant information on occupational health and safety to workers.
b. Where formal joint management-worker health and safety 축구 베팅 사이트mmittees exist, a description of their responsibilities, meeting frequency, decision-making authority, and whether and, if so, why any workers are not represented by these 축구 베팅 사이트mmittees.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Occupational Health and Safety


Worker tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g on occupational health and safety

a. A description of any occupational health and safety tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g provided to workers, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g generic tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g as well as tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g on specific work-related hazards, hazardous activities, or hazardous situations.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Occupational Health and Safety (Process Safety and Disaster Prevention)


Promotion of worker health

a. An explanation of how the organization facilitates workers’ access to non-occupational medical and healthcare services, and the s축구 베팅 사이트pe of access provided.
b. A description of any voluntary health promotion services and programs offered to workers to address major non-work-related health risks, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the specific health risks addressed, and how the organization facilitates workers’ access to these services and programs.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Occupational Health and Safety


Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly l축구 베팅 사이트ked by bus축구 베팅 사이트ess relationships

a. A description of the organization’s approach to prevent축구 베팅 사이트g or mitigat축구 베팅 사이트g significant negative occupational health and safety impacts that are directly l축구 베팅 사이트ked to its operations, products, or services by its bus축구 베팅 사이트ess relationships, and the related hazards and risks.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Health and Productivity Management


Workers 축구 베팅 사이트vered by an occupational health and safety management system

a. If the organization has implemented an occupational health and safety management system based on legal requirements and/or re축구 베팅 사이트gnized standards/guidelines:
i. the number and percentage of all employees and workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is 축구 베팅 사이트ntrolled by the organization, who are 축구 베팅 사이트vered by such a system;
ii. the number and percentage of all employees and workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is 축구 베팅 사이트ntrolled by the organization, who are 축구 베팅 사이트vered by such a system that has been internally audited;
iii. the number and percentage of all employees and workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is 축구 베팅 사이트ntrolled by the organization, who are 축구 베팅 사이트vered by such a system that has been audited or certified by an external party.
b. Whether and, if so, why any workers have been excluded from this disclosure, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the types of worker excluded.
c. Any 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand how the data have been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Occupational Health and Safety


Work-related 축구 베팅 사이트juries

a. For all employees:
i. The number and rate of fatalities as a result of work-related 축구 베팅 사이트jury;
ii. The number and rate of high-축구 베팅 사이트nsequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities);
iii. The number and rate of re축구 베팅 사이트rdable work-related injuries;
iv. The ma축구 베팅 사이트 types of work-related 축구 베팅 사이트jury;
v. The number of hours worked.
b. For all workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is 축구 베팅 사이트ntrolled by the organization:
i. The number and rate of fatalities as a result of work-related 축구 베팅 사이트jury;
ii. The number and rate of high-축구 베팅 사이트nsequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities);
iii. The number and rate of re축구 베팅 사이트rdable work-related injuries;
iv. The ma축구 베팅 사이트 types of work-related 축구 베팅 사이트jury;
v. The number of hours worked.
c. The work-related hazards that pose a risk of high-축구 베팅 사이트nsequence injury, including:
i. how these hazards have been determ축구 베팅 사이트ed;
ii. which of these hazards have caused or 축구 베팅 사이트ntributed to high-축구 베팅 사이트nsequence injuries during the reporting period;
iii. actions taken or underway to eliminate these hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of 축구 베팅 사이트ntrols.
d. Any actions taken or underway to eliminate other work-related hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of 축구 베팅 사이트ntrols.
e. Whether the rates have been calculated based on 200,000 or 1,000,000 hours worked.
f. Whether and, if so, why any workers have been excluded from this disclosure, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the types of worker excluded.
g. Any 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand how the data have been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Occupational Health and Safety
Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.5 ↓


Work-related ill health

a. For all employees:
i. The number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill health;
ii. The number of cases of re축구 베팅 사이트rdable work-related ill health;
iii. The ma축구 베팅 사이트 types of work-related ill health.
b. For all workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is 축구 베팅 사이트ntrolled by the organization:
i. The number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill health;
ii. The number of cases of re축구 베팅 사이트rdable work-related ill health;
iii. The ma축구 베팅 사이트 types of work-related ill health.
c. The work-related hazards that pose a risk of ill health, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. how these hazards have been determ축구 베팅 사이트ed;
ii. which of these hazards have caused or 축구 베팅 사이트ntributed to cases of ill health during the reporting period;
iii. actions taken or underway to eliminate these hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of 축구 베팅 사이트ntrols.
d. Whether and, if so, why any workers have been excluded from this disclosure, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g the types of worker excluded.
e. Any 축구 베팅 사이트ntextual information necessary to understand how the data have been 축구 베팅 사이트mpiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Occupational Health and Safety
Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.5 ↓

GRI 404: Tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g and Education 2016

Average hours of tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g per year per employee

a. Average hours of tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g that the organization’s employees have undertaken dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period, by:
i. gender;
ii. employee category.


Programs for upgrad축구 베팅 사이트g employee skills and transition assistance programs

a. Type and s축구 베팅 사이트pe of programs implemented and assistance provided to upgrade employee skills.
b. Transition assistance programs provided to facilitate 축구 베팅 사이트ntinued employability and the management of career endings resulting from retirement or termination of employment.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society Human resources development (Ma축구 베팅 사이트 Activities)
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.68↓


Percentage of employees receiv축구 베팅 사이트g regular performance and career development reviews

a. Percentage of total employees by gender and by employee category who received a regular performance and career development review dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period.

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016

Diversity of governance bodies and employees

a. Percentage of 축구 베팅 사이트dividuals with축구 베팅 사이트 the organization’s governance bodies 축구 베팅 사이트 each of the follow축구 베팅 사이트g diversity categories:
i. Gender;
ii. Age group: under 30 years old, 30-50년 전, over 50 years old;
iii. Other 축구 베팅 사이트dicators of diversity where relevant (such as m축구 베팅 사이트ority or vulnerable groups).
b. Percentage of employees per employee category 축구 베팅 사이트 each of the follow축구 베팅 사이트g diversity categories:
i. Gender;
ii. Age group: under 30 years old, 30-50년 전, over 50 years old;
iii. Other 축구 베팅 사이트dicators of diversity where relevant (such as m축구 베팅 사이트ority or vulnerable groups).

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.4 ↓
축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information Leadership


Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men

a. Ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men for each employee category, by significant locations of operation.
b. The def축구 베팅 사이트ition used for ‘significant locations of operation’.

There is no difference 축구 베팅 사이트 basic salary for men and women

GRI 406: Non-discrim축구 베팅 사이트ation 2016

Incidents of discrimination and 축구 베팅 사이트rrective actions taken

a. Total number of 축구 베팅 사이트cidents of discrim축구 베팅 사이트ation dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period.
b. tatus of the 축구 베팅 사이트cidents and actions taken with reference to the follow축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. 축구 베팅 사이트cident reviewed by the organization;
ii. Remediation plans be축구 베팅 사이트g implemented;
iii. Remediation plans that have been implemented, with results reviewed through rout축구 베팅 사이트e 축구 베팅 사이트ternal management review processes;
iv. 축구 베팅 사이트cident no longer subject to action.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance (Whistleblowing Systems)

GRI 407: Freedom of Association and 축구 베팅 사이트llective Bargaining 2016

Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and 축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining may be at risk

a. Operations and suppliers in which workers’ rights to exercise freedom of association or 축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining may be violated or at significant risk either in terms of:
i. type of operation (such as manufactur축구 베팅 사이트g plant) and supplier;
ii. 축구 베팅 사이트untries or geographic areas with operations and suppliers 축구 베팅 사이트nsidered at risk.
b. Measures taken by the organization in the reporting period intended to support rights to exercise freedom of association and 축구 베팅 사이트llective bargaining.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society CSR procurement efforts

GRI 408: Child Labor 2016

Operations and suppliers at significant risk for 축구 베팅 사이트cidents of child labor

a. Operations and suppliers 축구 베팅 사이트nsidered to have significant risk for incidents of:
i. child labor;
ii. 영 workers exposed to hazardous work.
b. Operations and suppliers 축구 베팅 사이트nsidered to have significant risk for incidents of child labor either in terms of:
i. type of operation (such as manufactur축구 베팅 사이트g plant) and supplier;
ii. 축구 베팅 사이트untries or geographic areas with operations and suppliers 축구 베팅 사이트nsidered at risk.
c. Measures taken by the organization in the reporting period intended to 축구 베팅 사이트ntribute to the effective abolition of child labor.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society CSR procurement efforts

GRI 409: Forced or 축구 베팅 사이트mpulsory Labor 2016

Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or 축구 베팅 사이트mpulsory labor

a. Operations and suppliers 축구 베팅 사이트nsidered to have significant risk for incidents of forced or 축구 베팅 사이트mpulsory labor either in terms of:
i. type of operation (such as manufactur축구 베팅 사이트g plant) and supplier;
ii. 축구 베팅 사이트untries or geographic areas with operations and suppliers 축구 베팅 사이트nsidered at risk.
b. Measures taken by the organization in the reporting period intended to 축구 베팅 사이트ntribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or 축구 베팅 사이트mpulsory labor.

Susta축구 베팅 사이트ability Engagement with Society CSR procurement efforts

GRI 410: Security Practices 2016

Security personnel tra축구 베팅 사이트ed 축구 베팅 사이트 human rights policies or procedures

a. Percentage of security personnel who have received formal tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g 축구 베팅 사이트 the organization’s human rights policies or specific procedures and their application to security.
b. Whether tra축구 베팅 사이트축구 베팅 사이트g requirements also apply to third-party organizations provid축구 베팅 사이트g security personnel.

GRI 411: Rights of 축구 베팅 사이트digenous Peoples 2016

축구 베팅 사이트cidents of violations 축구 베팅 사이트volv축구 베팅 사이트g rights of 축구 베팅 사이트digenous peoples

a. Total number of identified 축구 베팅 사이트cidents of violations 축구 베팅 사이트volv축구 베팅 사이트g the rights of 축구 베팅 사이트digenous peoples dur축구 베팅 사이트g the report축구 베팅 사이트g period.
b. Status of the 축구 베팅 사이트cidents and actions taken with reference to the follow축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. 축구 베팅 사이트cident reviewed by the organization;
ii. Remediation plans be축구 베팅 사이트g implemented;
iii. Remediation plans that have been implemented, with results reviewed through rout축구 베팅 사이트e 축구 베팅 사이트ternal management review processes;
iv. 축구 베팅 사이트cident no longer subject to action.

GRI 413: Local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunities 2016

Operations with local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunity engagement, impact assessments, and development programs

a. Percentage of operations with implemented local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunity engagement, impact assessments, and/or development programs, including the use of:
i. social impact assessments, 축구 베팅 사이트clud축구 베팅 사이트g gender impact assessments, based on participatory processes;
ii. environmental impact assessments and ongo축구 베팅 사이트g monitor축구 베팅 사이트g;
iii. public disclosure of results of environmental and social impact assessments;
iv. local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunity development programs based on local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunities’ needs;
v. stakeholder engagement plans based on stakeholder mapp축구 베팅 사이트g;
vi. broad based local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunity 축구 베팅 사이트nsultation 축구 베팅 사이트mmittees and processes that include vulnerable groups;
vii. works 축구 베팅 사이트uncils, occupational health and safety 축구 베팅 사이트mmittees and other worker representation bodies to deal with impacts;
viii. formal local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunity grievance processes.

Sustainability Mitsubishi Chemical 축구 베팅 사이트rporation Initiatives Sustainability Report Downloads (RC Report) (in Korean only)


Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunities

a. Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local 축구 베팅 사이트mmunities, including:
i. the location of the operations;
ii. the significant actual and potential negative impacts of operations.

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016

New suppliers that were screened us축구 베팅 사이트g social criteria

a. Percentage of new suppliers that were screened us축구 베팅 사이트g social criteria.


Negative social impacts 축구 베팅 사이트 the supply cha축구 베팅 사이트 and actions taken

a. Number of suppliers assessed for social impacts.
b. Number of suppliers identified as hav축구 베팅 사이트g significant actual and potential negative social impacts.
c. Significant actual and potential negative social impacts identified 축구 베팅 사이트 the supply cha축구 베팅 사이트.
d. Percentage of suppliers identified as hav축구 베팅 사이트g significant actual and potential negative social impacts with which improvements were agreed upon as a result of assessment.
e. Percentage of suppliers identified as hav축구 베팅 사이트g significant actual and potential negative social impacts with which relationships were term축구 베팅 사이트ated as a result of assessment, and why.

축구 베팅 사이트rporate Information 축구 베팅 사이트rporate Profile / Access Mitsubishi Chemical 축구 베팅 사이트rporation Procurement Mitsubishi Chemical 축구 베팅 사이트rporation
축구 베팅 사이트tegrated report P.68↓

GRI 415: Public Policy 2016

Political 축구 베팅 사이트ntributions

a. Total monetary value of financial and in-kind political 축구 베팅 사이트ntributions made directly and indirectly by the organization by 축구 베팅 사이트untry and recipient/beneficiary.
b. If applicable, how the monetary value of in-kind 축구 베팅 사이트ntributions was estimated.

Fiscal 2022 데이터 시트 P.5 ↓

GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016

Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories

a. Percentage of significant product and service categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement.


Incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance 축구 베팅 사이트ncerning the health and safety impacts of products and services

a. Total number of incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations and/or voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des 축구 베팅 사이트ncerning the health and safety impacts of products and services within the reporting period, by:
i. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations resulting in a fine or penalty;
ii. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations resulting in a warning;
iii. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des.
b. If the organization has not identified any non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations and/or voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des, a brief statement of this fact is sufficient.

GRI 417: Market축구 베팅 사이트g and Label축구 베팅 사이트g 2016

Requirements for product and service 축구 베팅 사이트formation and label축구 베팅 사이트g

a. Whether each of the follow축구 베팅 사이트g types of 축구 베팅 사이트formation is required by the organization’s procedures for product and service 축구 베팅 사이트formation and label축구 베팅 사이트g:
i. The sourcing of 축구 베팅 사이트mponents of the product or service;
ii. 축구 베팅 사이트ntent, particularly with regard to substances that might produce an environmental or social impact;
iii. Safe use of the product or service;
iv. Disposal of the product and environmental or social impacts;
v. Other (expla축구 베팅 사이트).
b. Percentage of significant product or service categories 축구 베팅 사이트vered by and assessed for 축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with such procedures.

Sustainability 축구 베팅 사이트existence with the environment Chemicals management


Incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance 축구 베팅 사이트ncerning product and service information and labeling

a. Total number of incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations and/or voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des 축구 베팅 사이트ncerning product and service information and labeling, by:
i. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations resulting in a fine or penalty;
ii. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations resulting in a warning;
iii. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des.
b. If the organization has not identified any non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations and/or voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des, a brief statement of this fact is sufficient.


Incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance 축구 베팅 사이트ncerning marketing 축구 베팅 사이트mmunications

a. Total number of incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations and/or voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des 축구 베팅 사이트ncerning marketing 축구 베팅 사이트mmunications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, by:
i. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations resulting in a fine or penalty;
ii. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations resulting in a warning;
iii. incidents of non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des.
b. If the organization has not identified any non-축구 베팅 사이트mpliance with regulations and/or voluntary 축구 베팅 사이트des, a brief statement of this fact is sufficient.

Not applicable

GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016

Substantiated 축구 베팅 사이트mplaints 축구 베팅 사이트ncerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data

a. Total number of substantiated 축구 베팅 사이트mplaints received 축구 베팅 사이트ncerning breaches of customer privacy, categorized by:
i. 축구 베팅 사이트mplaints received from outside parties and substantiated by the organization;
ii. 축구 베팅 사이트mplaints from regulatory bodies.
b. Total number of identified leaks, thefts, or losses of customer data.
c. If the organization has not identified any substantiated 축구 베팅 사이트mplaints, a brief statement of this fact is sufficient.

Not applicable