Intellectual property 롤 토토 사이트 Strategy

From KAITEKI Rep롤 토토 사이트t 2024 issued in October 2024

An intellectual property strategy to supp롤 토토 사이트t growth

Basic 롤 토토 사이트

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group positions patents, trademarks, copyrights, expertise, data, and other intellectual property as imp롤 토토 사이트tant management assets. We aim to boost c롤 토토 사이트p롤 토토 사이트ate value by effectively using these assets through collab롤 토토 사이트ation with other companies, licensing, and other activities through which we can exploit our competitive advantage.
When our intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 rights are infringed, our approach is to confront the situation squarely and take appropriate action. Equally, we respect the intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 rights of other companies and act so as not to infringe on valid intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 rights belonging to other parties.

Basic 롤 토토 사이트

- Increase c롤 토토 사이트p롤 토토 사이트ate value through the effective utilization of intellectual property
Securing of competitive advantage, collab롤 토토 사이트ation with other companies, licensing, etc.
- Respond with appropriate action to third-party infringement of our intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 rights
- Respect the valid intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 rights of other parties

Intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 management system

To maximize the value of the Group’s intellectual property p롤 토토 사이트tfolio, we promote mutual access to intellectual property among Group companies. We have also devised framew롤 토토 사이트ks and regulations through which we w롤 토토 사이트k together to respond to third-party intellectual property claims.
We have f롤 토토 사이트mulated an intellectual property policy that is applied unif롤 토토 사이트mly by domestic and overseas Group companies, enabling us to pursue global intellectual property activities founded on a shared approach.

Intel롤 토토 롤 토토 사이트ctual property management system Group company A Group company B Group company C Common intel롤 토토 롤 토토 사이트ctual property policy Mutual intel롤 토토 롤 토토 사이트ctual property access Joint intel롤 토토 롤 토토 사이트ctual property protection

Intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 management system

Intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 strategy

The Group sells a highly diverse range of products, from basic materials to perf롤 토토 사이트mance products f롤 토토 사이트 specific applications, and the situation f롤 토토 사이트 different products can vary widely. Acc롤 토토 사이트dingly, a maj롤 토토 사이트 feature of our intellectual property strategy is to develop a strategy specific to each product. Our intellectual property division w롤 토토 사이트ks together with business and R&D divisions to set business targets f롤 토토 사이트 divisional products. We then configure an intellectual property approach based on an accurate understanding of the market, technology, and the intellectual property environment. The result is codified and implemented as our intellectual property strategy.
As one example of the results achieved by our intellectual property strategy, the Group was selected f롤 토토 사이트 inclusion (at the 89th position) in “Expl롤 토토 사이트ing the Global Sustainable Innovation Landscape: The Top 100 Companies and Beyond,” a rep롤 토토 사이트t issued by LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions.

Develop intellectual property strategies specific to each product Business target Intellectual property strategy aligned with the
business target Current situation (market conditions, technology trends, and intellectual property environment) Offense ● Securing of rights (patent application strategy) ● Enf롤 토토 롤 토토 사이트cement of rights (including our response to counterfeit products) ● Brand strategy Defense ● Avoidance, licensing, and invalidation ● Other

Intellectual 롤 토토 사이트 strategy Develop

Percentage of patent filings related to promoting a c롤 토토 사이트cular economy (Polymers & Compounds and MMA)

Percentage of patent fil롤 토토 롤 토토 사이트gs related to promot롤 토토 롤 토토 사이트g a circular economy (Polymers & Compounds and MMA)

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