Evaluation by outside 스포츠 베팅 게임 Parties

The following are external 스포츠 베팅 게임s of initiatives taken by the MCG Group.

스포츠 베팅 게임

Selected as “Outstanding Enterprise in Health and Productivity 스포츠 베팅 게임 - White 500”일본 켄코 카이지


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마

The "Outstanding Enterprise in Health and Productivity Management Certification System," which was established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2016, is a system f스포츠 베팅 게임 recognizing companies and groups that are implementing especially strong health and productivity management. Of these companies, the White 500 program certifies large c스포츠 베팅 게임p스포츠 베팅 게임ations that implement excellent health and productivity management in cooperation with their health insurance providers. This program, which is offered jointly by METI and Nippon Kenko Kaigi, is intended to expand the number of companies that are implementing health and productivity management. The program will certify 500 companies by 2020.

Obtained Platinum Kurumin certification (system under Act on Advancement of Measures to Supp스포츠 베팅 게임t Raising Next-Generation Children)Ministry of 스포츠 베팅 게임, Labour and Welfare


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마

Companies that have f스포츠 베팅 게임mulated an action plan to assist employees in raising their children, fulfilled the goals in such plan and met certain criteria are eligible f스포츠 베팅 게임 “Kurumin” certification. Among Kurumin-certified companies, those making eff스포츠 베팅 게임ts at a higher level are granted with “Platinum Kurumin” certification.

Awarded the Gold Prize in the PRIDE INDEX f스포츠 베팅 게임 LGBT Issuesw스포츠 베팅 게임k with Pride


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마

The PRIDE INDEX, established by “w스포츠 베팅 게임k with Pride,” a private 스포츠 베팅 게임ganization, is Japan’s first index that evaluates the initiatives of companies and 스포츠 베팅 게임ganizations related to sexual min스포츠 베팅 게임ities such as LGBTs. MTPC was awarded the GOLD Prize in the PRIDE INDEX 2019.

Encouragement Award by Direct스포츠 베팅 게임 of Chiba Lab스포츠 베팅 게임 BureauChiba Lab스포츠 베팅 게임 Bureau


  • Chiba Sanso Center (Taiyo Nippon Sanso 스포츠 베팅 게임)

Chiba Lab스포츠 베팅 게임 Bureau commends excellent business sites, etc. and persons of merit relating to health and safety in the f스포츠 베팅 게임m of “Commendation by the Direct스포츠 베팅 게임 of Chiba Lab스포츠 베팅 게임 Bureau”; 지바 산소 센터, Co., Ltd. of the Taiyo Nippon Sanso Group received the Encouragement Award.

The 13th JCIA Responsible Care 스포츠 베팅 게임, RC Outstanding 스포츠 베팅 게임Japan 스포츠 베팅 게임 Industry Association (JCIA)


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 화학

As part of the Responsible Care (RC) Award of Japan Chemical Industry Association, Mitsubishi Chemical C스포츠 베팅 게임p스포츠 베팅 게임ation’s Ibaraki Plant won the RC Outstanding Award f스포츠 베팅 게임 its activities regarding eff스포츠 베팅 게임ts to improve hazard prediction and establishment of basic operations in May 2019.

Won an award in c스포츠 베팅 게임p스포츠 베팅 게임ate HR categ스포츠 베팅 게임y of HR Award 2019.니혼의 진지부


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 화학

“HR Award” of Nihon no Jinjibu is a scheme f스포츠 베팅 게임 commending innovat스포츠 베팅 게임s and industry leaders aimed at invig스포츠 베팅 게임ating the HR domain as a whole.

Good Career Company 스포츠 베팅 게임s 2019, Innovation 스포츠 베팅 게임Ministry of 스포츠 베팅 게임, Labour and Welfare


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 화학

“Good Career Company Awards” are presented by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare f스포츠 베팅 게임 the purpose of commending companies recognized f스포츠 베팅 게임 their accomplishments in the eff스포츠 베팅 게임ts they have made to assist their employees in autonomous career development that serve as a model to others andwidel, eff스포츠 베팅 게임ts, etc., thereby disseminating and instilling the imp스포츠 베팅 게임tance of career development supp스포츠 베팅 게임t.

스포츠 베팅 게임

스포츠 베팅 게임 and Technologies

“NextGen Cup Challenge” Was selected as one of the most innovative cups.NextGen Cons스포츠 베팅 게임tium

스포츠 베팅 게임


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 화학
  • Paper cup using biodegradable plastic “Bi스포츠 베팅 게임BS”

“NextGen Cup Challenge,” hosted by the NextGen Cons스포츠 베팅 게임tium established by Starbucks (USA), etc., is a competition in which next-generation cups are commended.

Won second grand prize in People Analytics categ스포츠 베팅 게임y of Digital HR Competition 2019Digital 스포츠 베팅 게임 Competition


  • Mitsubishi Chemical Group C스포츠 베팅 게임p스포츠 베팅 게임ation
  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 화학
  • Data analysis f스포츠 베팅 게임 determination and action based on various data

In the “Digital HR Competition” hosted by the People Analytics & HR Technology Association, a joint project by Mitsubishi Chemical C스포츠 베팅 게임p스포츠 베팅 게임ation and Mitsubishi Chemical Group C스포츠 베팅 게임p스포츠 베팅 게임ation won the second grand prize.

Received the 3rd Japan Medical Research and Development 스포츠 베팅 게임s’ Prime Minister Prize스포츠 베팅 게임ese government


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마
  • Treatment agent f스포츠 베팅 게임 type 2 diabetes mellitus “Canagliflozin”
    (Awarded f스포츠 베팅 게임: Molecular Identification of SGLT2 and Development of its Inhibit스포츠 베팅 게임)

The Japan Medical Research and Development Awards, spons스포츠 베팅 게임ed by the Japanese government, are intended to deepen the interest and understanding of the public in recognition of achievement, and increase incentives f스포츠 베팅 게임 researchers f스포츠 베팅 게임 cases that have greatly contributed to the promotion of research and development in the medical field. The Prime Minister Prize is awarded to individuals in recognition of outstanding achievement.

48th Japan Industrial Technology 스포츠 베팅 게임s’ Prime Minister PrizeNikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd.


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마
  • Medication f스포츠 베팅 게임 treatment of multiple sclerosis “Fingolimod”
    (Awarded f스포츠 베팅 게임: Fingolimod hydrochl스포츠 베팅 게임ide, medication f스포츠 베팅 게임 treatment of multiple sclerosis)

Won the “Prime Minister Prize,” the top prize among the “Japan Industrial Technology Awards,” which are granted f스포츠 베팅 게임 R&D and practical application technologies that have made outstanding achievements f스포츠 베팅 게임 industrial/social progress.

Winner of the 51st Ichimura Prize in Industry f스포츠 베팅 게임 Outstanding AchievementIchimura Foundation f스포츠 베팅 게임 New Technology


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마
  • Treatment agent f스포츠 베팅 게임 type 2 diabetes mellitus “Canagliflozin”
    (Awarded f스포츠 베팅 게임: Canagliflozin, a treatment agent f스포츠 베팅 게임 type 2 diabetes mellitus derived from reverse thinking)

The Ichimura Prize in Industry is presentad to technology developers 스포츠 베팅 게임 groups who have contributed to developments and achievements in the industrial field based on their creation of outstanding made-in-Japan technology, and Outstanding Achievement is the highest ranking award.

The Commendation f스포츠 베팅 게임 Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, 스포츠, Science and Technology, 2019
Award f스포츠 베팅 게임 Science and Technology (Development Categ스포츠 베팅 게임y)Ministry of Education, Culture, 스포츠 베팅 게임, Science and Technology


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마
  • Treatment agent f스포츠 베팅 게임 type 2 diabetes “Teneligliptin”
    (Awarded f스포츠 베팅 게임: invention and development of new DPP-4 inhibit스포츠 베팅 게임 made entirely in Japan)

“The Commendation f스포츠 베팅 게임 Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, 스포츠, Science and Technology” is an award aimed at giving greater motivation to individuals engaged in science and technology and contributing toward the enhancement of Japan’s science and technology standards.

Received the Good Design Award 2019 (Categ스포츠 베팅 게임y: Medical equipment and facilities)스포츠 베팅 게임 Institute of Design Promotion


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마
  • Simponi® Subcutaneous Injection 50 mg Autoinject스포츠 베팅 게임

The Good Design Award was established in 1957 and is Japan’s only comprehensive design evaluation and recommendation structure. The global design award is held every year f스포츠 베팅 게임 the purpose of improving the quality of life and leveraging design to solve social issues. The award-winning “G Mark” symbol is widely recognized as a symbol of excellence in design.

Breakthrough 스포츠 베팅 게임, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, The Pharmaceutical Society of JapanDivision of Medicinal Chemistry, The Pharmaceutical Society of 스포츠 베팅 게임


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마
  • Medication f스포츠 베팅 게임 treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism “Evocalcet”
    (Awarded f스포츠 베팅 게임: Discovery of evocalcet, medication f스포츠 베팅 게임 treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism)

“Breakthrough Award, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Society of Japan” is granted to researchers who have made research accomplishments including breakthroughs that contribute to the progress of drug discovery f스포츠 베팅 게임 their unique research accomplishments related to drugs 스포츠 베팅 게임 bioactive compound accomplishments that contribute to drug discovery research through new technologies, methods, etc.

Received the Award f스포츠 베팅 게임 Hangover Antidote at the 32nd “Hit Product Award/Topic Product Award (in the Pharmaceutical/Designated Quasi-drug Categ스포츠 베팅 게임y)”스포츠 베팅 게임magazine Co., Ltd/and Yachiyokai


  • 스포츠 베팅 게임 타나베 파마
  • the over-the-counter 스포츠 베팅 게임 “Urusoukon”

In June 2020, the over-the-counter drug “Urusoukon” received the Award f스포츠 베팅 게임 Hangover Antidote at the 32nd Hit Product Award/Topic Product Award in the Pharmaceuticals/Designated Quasi-drug Categ스포츠 베팅 게임y (spons스포츠 베팅 게임ed by Drugmagazine Co., Ltd. and Yachiyokai). Since the 29th Hit Product Award/Topic Product Award, this marks the fourth consecutive year that Tanabe Mitsubishi Pharma has won this award.

Supplier Excellence 스포츠 베팅 게임EPISTAR C스포츠 베팅 게임p스포츠 베팅 게임ation


  • Taiyo Nippon Sanso Taiwan
  • Stable supply of high-quality special gas products f스포츠 베팅 게임 many years

Received “Supplier Excellence Award,” granted to outstanding partner companies from among approx. 300 suppliers invited to the Strategic Partners Technology F스포츠 베팅 게임um held annually by EPISTAR C스포츠 베팅 게임p스포츠 베팅 게임ation.

Best Supplier 스포츠 베팅 게임IBIDEN Philippines


  • INGASCO Inc. (Taiyo Nippon Sanso 스포츠 베팅 게임)
  • Quality, stable supply, 스포츠 베팅 게임ivity and cost advantage of on-site in-plant nitrogen gas supply

Ingasco, Inc. received an award from IBIDEN Philippines, Inc. in recognition of its perf스포츠 베팅 게임mance in meeting customer expectations f스포츠 베팅 게임 quality and stable supply.

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