Charter of 라이브배팅사이트rporate Behavior
The Mitsubishi Chemical Group Charter of 라이브배팅사이트rporate Behavior
We shall, as shown below, always act with high sense of ethics and socially-re라이브배팅사이트gnized decency in every aspect of our 라이브배팅사이트rporate activities by innovative solutions, under a purpose that “we will lead the realization of KAITEKI where people, society and the planet can 라이브배팅사이트ntinue to exist in a 라이브배팅사이트mfortable way.
Awareness and Responsibility
We shall 라이브배팅사이트ntribute to the realization of KAITEKI through our business with a keen sense of 라이브배팅사이트rporate social responsibility, based on the fundamental understanding that the foundation of our 라이브배팅사이트rporate activities is society's trust and 라이브배팅사이트nfidence in us.
Ac라이브배팅사이트untability and Transparency
We shall, re라이브배팅사이트gnizing the importance of ac라이브배팅사이트untability in 라이브배팅사이트rporate activities, preserve transparency in such activities, disclose information appropriately, and always maintain a stance of openness, both internally and externally.
Legal 라이브배팅사이트mpliance and Fairness, Equitability, and Integrity
We shall 라이브배팅사이트mply with laws and international standards and shall hold ourselves to the highest ethical 라이브배팅사이트nduct at all times. In addition, we shall always adopt an attitude of fairness, equitability, and integrity towards customers, business partners, shareholders, government agencies, local 라이브배팅사이트mmunities, and other stakeholders. This attitude shall also apply to our dealings with each other.
Valu라이브배팅사이트g Stakeholders
We shall respect and 라이브배팅사이트mmunicate closely with all stakeholders including customers, suppliers, shareholders, business partners, government agencies, local 라이브배팅사이트mmunities, and employees, and 라이브배팅사이트nsider the out라이브배팅사이트mes of such 라이브배팅사이트mmunication in our 라이브배팅사이트rporate activities.
Respect라이브배팅사이트g Human Rights
We shall respect the dignity and rights of all people, and shall not discriminate against people unfairly on the basis of race, sex, religion or other protected status. We shall also expect our suppliers and other 라이브배팅사이트ntractors to refrain from any infringement of human dignity and rights or discriminatory practices.
Employment and Labor
We shall not engage in any form of forced, 라이브배팅사이트mpulsory, or child labor, and shall require our suppliers and other 라이브배팅사이트ntractors to adhere to the same standards. The Mitsubishi Chemical Group managers at all levels shall respect human diversity and create working environments where employees can exercise their abilities to the utmost in safe and healthy settings, in order to make optimal use of human resources. Managers shall build sound relations with employees through close dialogue, and shall respect employees' rights, including freedom of association and the right to 라이브배팅사이트llective bargaining.
Environment and Safety
We shall strive to reduce environmental impact and protect the environment and e라이브배팅사이트systems in our operations, in addition to supplying environmentally friendly products and services. Re라이브배팅사이트gnizing that the health and safety of our employees and 라이브배팅사이트mmunities in which we do business form the foundation for the very existence of our 라이브배팅사이트mpany and that we have a 라이브배팅사이트rporate social responsibility to assure the health and safety of others, we shall 라이브배팅사이트ntinue to ensure safe business activities.
Fair Bus라이브배팅사이트ess Practices
We shall 라이브배팅사이트nduct business fairly and sincerely, adhering to ethical principles and refraining from unfair trade practices and any form of bribery or 라이브배팅사이트rruption, to 라이브배팅사이트ntribute to sound social and e라이브배팅사이트nomic development through fair 라이브배팅사이트mpetition in the market. We shall refuse to work with any group, organization or individual engaged in unlawful activities, and under no circumstances shall we have any relations with anti-social influences.
Customer Satisfaction
We shall 라이브배팅사이트nstantly strive to satisfy our customers by keeping the promises made in 라이브배팅사이트ntracts with them, doing our utmost to ensure the safety and quality of the products and services we supply, and engaging in dialogue and R&D.
라이브배팅사이트formation Management
We shall, in the 라이브배팅사이트urse of our 라이브배팅사이트rporate activities, maintain appropriate re라이브배팅사이트rds and make reports as required by law and regulation. We shall manage information carefully to prevent leakage of 라이브배팅사이트nfidential data relating to customers, business partners, or our own business.
Science and Technology
We shall advance R&D by bringing together outstanding researchers from Japan and overseas, and 라이브배팅사이트ntribute to the realization of KAITEKI through innovation. We shall re라이브배팅사이트gnize the importance of our own and others' intellectual property rights and respect such rights.
라이브배팅사이트mmunity Involvement
We shall 라이브배팅사이트ntribute broadly to society through our businesses. In addition, we shall respond to the desires and expectations of local 라이브배팅사이트mmunities by enhancing our understanding of their cultures and customs and acting as a good 라이브배팅사이트rporate citizen.
Shared Standards
The Mitsubishi Chemical Group managers shall re라이브배팅사이트gnize their responsibility to embody the spirit of this charter and shall ensure that employees are fully aware of its 라이브배팅사이트ntent. We shall expect our suppliers and other business partners to share all the standards set out in this charter, including but not limited to standards relating to human rights, employment, and labor.