Occupational health 토토 검증 사이트 and Safety

산업 보건 및 안전 토토 검증 사이트

To ensure that employees are able to safely perform their duties, 토토 검증 사이트 believes that every employee must increase his or her awareness of safety issues in tandem with developing safe workplace environments. To this end, the Group places high priority on safety measures for operating facilities as well as employee safety training and drills, among other related activities. In addition, 토토 검증 사이트 optimizes the workplace with an ergonomic approach to prevent occupational accidents and to maintain a safe, healthy working environment.


At Safety and Health Committee meetings held regularly at each site and plant of 토토 검증 사이트 companies, employees and management seriously discuss everything from the formulation of policies and action plans to the development of specific on-site issues and initiatives for solving them, and reach agreements on these matters.

프로세스 토토 검증 사이트 및 재난 예방

토토 검증 사이트 recognizes that conducting safe manufacturing activities forms the foundation for the very existence of the company and that the Group has a corporate social responsibility to ensure safety. For this, the Group endeavors to build systems to prevent facility-related accidents and rapidly respond when such accidents occur.

주요 활동

토토 검증 사이트 조치 구현

T토토 검증 사이트 Group institutes multiple safety measures for operating facilities as well as measures for irregular operations, c토토 검증 사이트cking w토토 검증 사이트t토토 검증 사이트r t토토 검증 사이트y are appropriately applied through auditing and inspections. In addition, all employees are actively engaged in identifying safety risks and making improvements.

토토 검증 사이트 교육 및 훈련 구현

Through safety training and practical drills, t토토 검증 사이트 Group fosters a culture of safety and raises individual awareness of safety issues.

시설 관련 사고

Basically, each 토토 검증 사이트 operating site endeavors to prevent facility-related accidents by ensuring the soundness of facilities and equipment and the proper operation through their appropriate maintenance as well as extensive education and training of their operators. If an accident occurs, the Group works to avoid recurrence by analyzing the cause, taking countermeasures, and verifying their effectiveness through inspections or maintenance patrols. Moreover, the Group works to prevent accidents by applying these countermeasures laterally to similar facilities and equipment or operations.

사고가 발생할 때 빠르게 응답

If an accident occurs, it is important that 토토 검증 사이트 minimizes the effect on society. To do so, the Group has organized disaster prevention teams at each of its operating sites worldwide, and conducts safety drills on a daily basis. The Group has established a crisis management system to expedite the reporting of information to top management, with the view to ensuring accountability to local communities and fulfilling its responsibility to supply products.

토토 검증 사이트 공개

Mindful of the importance of verifying and reporting on corporate activities from a global perspective in disclosure related to safety, 토토 검증 사이트 has disclosed information in the KAITEKI Report and on its corporate website. The Group will further enhance the reliability of its disclosure by increasing disclosure elements and heightening their precision.

SDS를 통한 토토 검증 사이트 정보 공유

토토 검증 사이트 companies use Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to conduct education on the properties of products it deals with and how to handle them, and we share safety information throughout the Group. The Group is building systems to prevent sudden accidents during transit and storage by sharing information internally on the properties of particularly hazardous chemicals, their transportation routes, and other aspects of logistics.

외부 조직의 회원

We joined t토토 검증 사이트 SAFE Consortium, which is run by t토토 검증 사이트 Ministry of 토토 검증 사이트alth, Labor and Welfare, in October 2024 in support of its aim to promote safety actions for t토토 검증 사이트 happiness of employees. We will work to improve our occupational 토토 검증 사이트alth and safety levels and reduce occupational injury losses by sharing best practices and discussing issues with ot토토 검증 사이트r members.

직원 건강 토토 검증 사이트

토토 검증 사이트 is committed to health and productivity management that values the health and safety of people and organizations, aiming to enable each employee to enjoy working with energy and play an active role while keeping a good work-life balance and leading a fulfilling life.

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