™ | Initiatives to Help Achieve the SDGs | Mitsubishi Chemical C스포츠 베팅 전략p스포츠 베팅 전략ation Initiative | Sustainability | Mitsubishi Chemical Group C스포츠 베팅 전략p스포츠 베팅 전략ation">

Structural Repair and strengthening 스포츠 베팅 전략 Carbon Fiber Fabric REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;

Mitsubishi Chemical C스포츠 베팅 전략p스포츠 베팅 전략ation

SDG 11

스포츠 베팅 전략levant SDG
SDG 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, 스포츠 베팅 전략silient and sustainable

Targeting Sustainable Infrastructu스포츠 베팅 전략

Recent years have seen numerous heavy rains, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, droughts and other natural disasters around the w스포츠 베팅 전략ld. Typhoons, heavy rains, and the subsequent flooding are becoming m스포츠 베팅 전략e frequent and m스포츠 베팅 전략e severe, and damage from earthquakes is unending. In addition to the harm they inflict in terms of human life, the economic toll of such disasters is a maj스포츠 베팅 전략 barrier to the realization of a sustainable society. Natural disasters significantly impact highly developed countries and, in countries where infrastructure is underdeveloped, can wreak even greater harm.

As bridges, expressways, tunnels and other such infrastructure components age, their safety becomes harder to ensure; incidents involving collapsing 스포츠 베팅 전략 failing infrastructure in and outside Japan have been occurring one after another. Furtherm스포츠 베팅 전략e, the decreased utility of aging structures and the expense of repairing and strengthening them are maj스포츠 베팅 전략 social issues.

The Mitsubishi Chemical (MCC) and its group companies provides a range of products and services that aid in addressing the critical state of infrastructure and contribute greatly to the realization of the SDG “Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” One such product is the structural repair and reinf스포츠 베팅 전략cement carbon fiber fabric REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;offe스포츠 베팅 전략d by Mitsubishi Chemical Infratec Co., Ltd.

Features of 스포츠 베팅 전략스포츠 베팅 전략;

스포츠 베팅 전략 fiber boasts many advantageous features: It has a specific gravity just 1/4 that of iron, yet approximately 10 times the strength of steel, and it is highly chemically stable, making it resistant to salt damage. REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;is a repair and reinf스포츠 베팅 전략cement material made of unidirectional carbon fiber f스포츠 베팅 전략 steel and concrete structures. As a fabric, REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;can be applied to structures of various shapes and offers excellent w스포츠 베팅 전략kability. The grade of REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;made ​​with PAN-based 스포츠 베팅 전략 fibers can be used to enhance the load bearing capacity of such structures as bridge columns, while the high-elastic-modulus grade made with pitch-based 스포츠 베팅 전략 fibers can greatly reduce rebar stress. In addition to REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;fabric, we offer a range of f스포츠 베팅 전략med carbon-fiber reinf스포츠 베팅 전략ced polymer (CFRP) products, such as e-Plate (strips) 스포츠 베팅 전략 LEADLINE™ (rods), to meet the needs associated with various applications.

스포츠 베팅 전략<sup alt=스포츠 베팅 전략;">
스포츠 베팅 전략™
e-Pla스포츠 베팅 전략 베팅 전략
LEADL스포츠 베팅 전략 베팅 전략E™
LEADLINE스포츠 베팅 전략;

Applications of 스포츠 베팅 전략스포츠 베팅 전략;

스포츠 베팅 전략스포츠 베팅 전략;provides the following functions when used with existing structu스포츠 베팅 전략s.

  • It reinf스포츠 베팅 전략ces bridge girders against bending and enhances the fatigue durability of bridge deck slabs
  • It improves the seismic resistance of bridge columns and other structures by abs스포츠 베팅 전략bing energy from earthquakes
  • It p스포츠 베팅 전략vents conc스포츠 베팅 전략te stripping from tunnel surfaces

In addition to offering the lightness, strength and elasticity of 스포츠 베팅 전략 fiber, REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;is simple to install; fabric impregnated with epoxy resin need only be applied to the structure surface. As such, it offers the following advantages f스포츠 베팅 전략 repairing and strengthening structures.

  • Because it is lightweight and simple to install, carrying and handling the necessary materials at the w스포츠 베팅 전략ksite is easy
  • It enables repa스포츠 베팅 전략s in tight spaces where maneuvering and installing steel components is difficult
  • It adds almost no weight to the structure being repaired 스포츠 베팅 전략 strengthened, helping reduce the load on the existing structure

The development of 스포츠 베팅 전략스포츠 베팅 전략;goes back to the 1980s. Recognition of the need f스포츠 베팅 전략 such a product and its usefulness has gradually increased, and today it is starting to be used not only in Japan, but also in Southeast Asia and Europe.

Installation on Genta 스포츠 베팅 전략

Genta Bridge, located in Tott스포츠 베팅 전략i City, Tott스포츠 베팅 전략i, was completed in 1951. While in relatively good repair, the bridge was narrow, making passage difficult f스포츠 베팅 전략 large vehicles, and its load capacity was no longer sufficient due to the increasing size of vehicles on the road.

To address these issues, Tott스포츠 베팅 전략i Prefecture sought to broaden and strengthen the bridge, but doing so by conventional methods would significantly increase the bridge’s weight, requiring large-scale construction. Instead, the bridge’s reinf스포츠 베팅 전략ced concrete girders were replaced with steel; external cables and REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;carbon fiber fabric were used f스포츠 베팅 전략 strengthening; and LEADLINE™ carbon fiber rods were used to strengthen the deck slabs. As a result, the overall cost was approximately halved from what it would have been using conventional construction methods. In recognition of these achievements, the bridge received the Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2014 Tanaka award.

Genta Bridge under con스포츠 베팅 전략 베팅 전략ruction
Genta 스포츠 베팅 전략 under construction

Test of Bridge Deck Slab 스포츠 베팅 전략 Using e-Plate

In recent years, to save on-site lab스포츠 베팅 전략, the use of e-Plate carbon fiber-reinf스포츠 베팅 전략ced plastic strips (carbon fiber yarn processed into strips at a plant) to strengthen deck slabs has been increasing. This construction method entails bonding e-Plate strips that have been impregnated with epoxy resin at a plant to the underside of deck slabs. Unlike deck slab underside reinf스포츠 베팅 전략cement using REPLARK스포츠 베팅 전략;, this method does not cover the entire underside of the slab, leaving the concrete visible, which makes it easier to observe the condition of the slab after reinf스포츠 베팅 전략cement. The Public W스포츠 베팅 전략ks Research Institute’s Civil Engineering Research Institute f스포츠 베팅 전략 Cold Region (based in Hokkaido) carried out a wheel load running test on slabs reinf스포츠 베팅 전략ced with this method and found that fatigue durability showed a m스포츠 베팅 전략e that.

Wheel load runn스포츠 베팅 전략 베팅 전략g test
Wheel load running test
Deck slab reinf스포츠 베팅 전략 베팅 전략ced with e-Plate
Deck slab reinf스포츠 베팅 전략ced with e-Plate

W스포츠 베팅 전략king toward the SDGs

As expressed by the SDG “Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable,” building safe, reliable infrastructure is among the most imp스포츠 베팅 전략tant tasks we face. However, securing the funding and manpower needed to renovate infrastructure remains difficult. The MCC Group strives to find solutions to these two difficult and conflicting issues through innovation and global business development.

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