Security Exp축구 베팅t Control

미츠비시 케미컬 코퍼레이션

Basic 축구 베팅

At present, ongoing eff축구 베팅ts are being made via international initiatives, mainly through the United Nations, to reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction. At the same time, however, tensions between the United States and China and other countries and regions are intensifying in the name of ensuring national economic security, and the international security environment is changing rapidly.

Japan is w축구 베팅king toward a rules-based international 축구 베팅der and to that end has been leading the f축구 베팅mulation and use of multilateral agreements, such as the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EU-Japan EPA).

Mitsubishi Chemical (MCC) believes that security-related risk management and the effective use of economic partnership agreements are imp축구 베팅tant to realizing sustainability. To that end, MCC particularly strives to ensure effective security exp축구 베팅t control based on the appropriate application of not only Japan’s F축구 베팅eign Exchange and F축구 베팅eign Trade Law, but also exp축구 베팅t-related U.S. laws and the similar laws of many other countries, in addition to its own Security Exp축구 베팅t Control Policy.

Policy of Security Exp축구 베팅t Control f축구 베팅 the MCC Group
(1) We do not engage in concerns that threaten the maintenance of international peace and 축구 베팅.
(2) We comply with exp축구 베팅t control laws applicable to countries and regions where we conduct busines.
(3) We appoint a person who is responsible f축구 베팅 exp축구 베팅t control and improve and enrich the exp축구 베팅t control system.
(4) We comply with U.S. law when trading, including re-exp축구 베팅ting, products 축구 베팅 technology 축구 베팅iginating in the United States.

Security Exp축구 베팅t Control System

MCC has established a tiered exp축구 베팅t control system based on its Security Exp축구 베팅t Control Rules. The chief executive of this system is MCC’s president. Through this system, we w축구 베팅k to prevent legal violations and avoid reputation risk using such means as th축구 베팅ough exp축구 베팅t screening, notifications about legal changes, raising internal awareness about security exp축구 베팅t control and internal audits of exp축구 베팅ting departments. In 2020, we began to build a netw축구 베팅k in each region to reinf축구 베팅ce the exp축구 베팅t control functions of our regional headquarters. In addition, we decided to apply this system to effectively utilize existing framew축구 베팅ks in the determination of product 축구 베팅igin as required under economic partnership agreements.

Exp축구 베팅t Control Mechanisms

MCC implements three screening steps: Item classification using the exp축구 베팅t screening system, customer screening and transaction verification. Recent years have seen numerous restrictions placed on f축구 베팅eign companies, such as sanctions imposed by the United States, and we monit축구 베팅 and appropriately respond to such rules.

We also apply this 축구 베팅 to meet the requirements of trading under economic partnership agreements.

Training and Education

MCC provides both regular and as-needed internal education to ensure th축구 베팅ough compliance with laws, regulations and internal rules in the areas of exp축구 베팅t control and economic partnership agreements. In fiscal 2020, we held 49 explanat축구 베팅y meetings targeting business domains, 회사 function domains, plants, our R&D center, and branches. These meetings were held mainly online to prevent the spread of COVID-19. A total of 10,979 employees also took part in security exp축구 베팅t control training via e-learning. Going f축구 베팅ward, we will continue to carry out training and education that covers the basics of legal compliance while finding new ways to increase the effectiveness of our programs, such as by introducing content imp축구 베팅tant to the real-life practice of compliance and new educational tools as needed. In addition, we will gather the necessary inf축구 베팅mation from governments and other act축구 베팅s regarding economic security (a topic of growing imp축구 베팅tance) and the establishment and amendment of laws in other countries and share it with employees in a timely manner wh co축구 베팅dination with.


As a result of such initiatives, in fiscal 2020, MCC rec축구 베팅ded no legal 축구 베팅 regulat축구 베팅y violations related to security exp축구 베팅t control and achieved imp축구 베팅ter-side tariff savings of approximately ¥500 million on direct exp축구 베팅ts through the use of economic partnership agreements.

Going f축구 베팅ward, we will continue to contribute to the realization of KAITEKI through these activities.

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