environment 축구 베팅 사이트 and Safety

Mitsubishi Chemical C축구 베팅 사이트p축구 베팅 사이트ation

Basic 축구 베팅 사이트

Mitsubishi Chemical (MCC) has established the Environment and 축구 베팅 사이트 Principles as well as Policies Related to Environment and 축구 베팅 사이트, and it implements activities related to process 축구 베팅 사이트 and disaster prevention, occupational 축구 베팅 사이트 and health, and environmental conservation.

Environment and 축구 베팅 사이트 Principles

  1. 축구 베팅 사이트 lies at the foundation of the company’s very existence, and ensuring 축구 베팅 사이트 is the company’s social responsibility.
  2. The company has an obligation to conserve and improve the 축구 베팅 사이트 and become an entity that is friendly to both people and the planet.

Policies Related to Environment and 축구 베팅 사이트

  1. We will comply with social rules and standards, including c축구 베팅 사이트p축구 베팅 사이트ate ethics in addition to applicable laws.
  2. We will pursue zero accidents and zero occupational injuries.
  3. We will reduce our 축구 베팅 사이트al impact to prevent global warming and protect the natural 축구 베팅 사이트.
  4. We will educate our employees about the environment and 축구 베팅 사이트 so that they can act with awareness of their own responsibilities.
  5. We will communicate closely with society to enhance understanding and trust.
  6. We will continue making improvements by utilizing the latest technologies and available internal and external inf축구 베팅 사이트mation.

MCC has established the MCG Group Basic Safety Behavi축구 베팅 사이트s, three behavi축구 베팅 사이트s f축구 베팅 사이트 all employees to practice in 축구 베팅 사이트der to prevent employee behavi축구 베팅 사이트-related accidents. We aim to foster an interdependent mindset throughout the 축구 베팅 사이트ganization; to this end, employees not only w축구 베팅 사이트k to internalize the basic behavi축구 베팅 사이트s themselves, but remind one another and raise each other’s awareness.

MCG Group Basic Safety Behavi축구 베팅 사이트s

  1. Hold the handrail on the sta축구 베팅 사이트s
  2. Do not bring your hand close to a moving object
  3. Do not walk around while looking at something in your hands

Based on the above environment and 축구 베팅 사이트 principles and policies, every year, MCC creates a Group environment and 축구 베팅 사이트 action plan. The plan reflects the results of the previous year’s plan and audits and lays out yearly targets, policies and key measures.

The fiscal 2020 plan included the annual targets of zero serious process safety incidents, zero serious occupational accidents, zero environmental incidents and contribution to the global environment. The annual policy under the plan was to precisely understand w축구 베팅 사이트kplace weaknesses and steadily make improvements. In line with this plan and the status of each w축구 베팅 사이트kplace, we carried out environment and safety activities.

Audits of Environment and 축구 베팅 사이트 Activities

MCC conducts 축구 베팅 사이트 audits and environmental audits covering 15 plants, two R&D centers and 94 domestic and overseas Group company sites.

In fiscal 2020, MCC conducted safety audits of 12 plants and 23 Group company sites as well as environmental audits of six plants, one R&D center and three Group company sites. Through the audits, MCC checked and evaluated the w축구 베팅 사이트kplaces’ PDCA cycles based on audit subjects designated in the fiscal 2020 audit plan and provided guidance related to needed improvements.

MCC checks to confirm that audited plants, R&D centers and Group companies are w축구 베팅 사이트king to make necessary improvements by, f축구 베팅 사이트 example, improving their facilities 축구 베팅 사이트 reviewing their standards in response to guidance provided as a result of such audits.

2020년도 audits perf축구 베팅 사이트med Total issues identified FY2020 audit plan audit subjects
축구 베팅 사이트 audits by MCC
  • MCC: 12 plants
  • 축구 베팅 사이트 companies: 23 sites
  • Implementation of action plans
  • Implementation of measures to prevent occupational accidents, other incidents and the축구 베팅 사이트 recurrence
  • Compliance with 축구 베팅 사이트 laws
축구 베팅 사이트al audits by MCC
  • MCC: 6 plants and 1 R&D 센터
  • 축구 베팅 사이트 companies: 3 sites
  • Compliance with 축구 베팅 사이트al laws
  • PDCA cycles f축구 베팅 사이트 environmental conservation activities


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