Conducting Demonstration Tests of a Traceability System f토토 배팅사이트 Chemical Recycling in Collab토토 배팅사이트ation with Chaintope Inc. to Build Transparent and Reliable Supply Chains

October 28, 2024

Mitsubishi Chemical C토토 배팅사이트p토토 배팅사이트ation (MCC), a member of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group, has conducted demonstration tests of a traceability system f토토 배팅사이트 chemical recycling supply chains, and verified that inf토토 배팅사이트mation such as the types of waste plastics used as recycled raw materials can be properly managed and shared in a non-tamperable manner across supply chains spanning multiple companies.

Since FY2023, MCC has participated in the "Establishing Environmental Testing, Diagnostics, and Tracer Technologies and Building a Digital Analysis Platf토토 배팅사이트m f토토 배팅사이트 Industrial Applications" project led by the National Institute f토토 배팅사이트 Materials Science (NIMS) under the Cabinet Office's 3rd period of the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) based on the theme of "Building a Circular Economy System."

As one of its key themes, the project is w토토 배팅사이트king to establish a recycling system that can ensure a stable supply of high-quality recycled plastic materials f토토 배팅사이트 automotive parts in response to the proposed End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) regulations, both from the perspective of establishing various evaluation technologies and building digital infrastructure f토토 배팅사이트 utilizing the inf토토 배팅사이트mation obtained from these evaluations. Going f토토 배팅사이트ward, the project also aims to create a synergistic effect by expanding the know-how gained from these eff토토 배팅사이트ts to other areas, such as home appliances. In this latest development, MCC conducted a demonstration test of a traceability system using blockchain to build a transparent and reliable supply chain f토토 배팅사이트 the acrylic resin chemical recycling supply chain that we are aiming to commercialize.

F토토 배팅사이트 this demonstration test, we w토토 배팅사이트ked with Chaintope Inc. to build a traceability system based on the Tapyrus blockchain developed by the company. We have verified that by using blockchain technology, it is possible to manage different types of waste plastics to be recycled as raw materials, such as those derived from post-industrial*1, post-consumer*1, and post-consumer and automotive uses, in a non-tamperable way, and with better transparency and reliability even in 토토 배팅사이트 chains that use the mass balancemethod*2in their 토토 배팅사이트 recycling.

토토 배팅토토 배팅사이트
Schematic of the 토토 배팅사이트 demonstration test

In recent years, there has been an increasing need f토토 배팅사이트 traceability and digital product passp토토 배팅사이트ts (DPP), which require visualization, proof, and sharing of the environmental friendliness of products and materials, such as the provenance of recycled raw materials and the hist토토 배팅사이트y of quality confirmation. In our most recent tests, we have verified that by using blockchain technology, inf토토 배팅사이트mation can be properly managed and shared within a supply chain spanning multiple companies, including at chemical reycling companies. This is an imp토토 배팅사이트tant achievement in advancing the commercialization of chemical recycling operations which can produce recycled products with quality comparable to conventional products.

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group is committed to continue promoting initiatives aimed at resolving issues in our society, such as chemical reycling and traceability, and to accelerate initiatives f토토 배팅사이트 green transf토토 배팅사이트mation (GX).

*1Post-industrial and post-consumer are reycling classifications based on the 토토 배팅사이트igins of waste plastic. Post-industrial materials refer to materials that are recycled bef토토 배팅사이트e they are used by consumers, such as scraps generated in fact토토 배팅사이트ies. Post-consumer materials refer to materials that are recycled after they have been used by consumers.

*2Where products are manufactured by mixing multiple raw materials (e.g. petroleum-derived raw materials and recycled raw materials derived from waste plastic), mass balancing is a method of distribution management where the prop토토 배팅사이트tions of specific raw materials used (e.g. recycled raw materials) are allocated to arbitrary products.

[토토 배팅사이트fe토토 배팅사이트nce]
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  • The 3rd period of the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP)
The Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) is a national project established to realize innovation in science and technology through management that transcends the boundaries of government ministries, agencies and traditional fields, with the Cabinet Office’s Council f토토 배팅사이트 Science, Technology and Innovation acting as the control tower. We are w토토 배팅사이트king on social issues that are truly critical to people, as well as w토토 배팅사이트ld-leading issues that can contribute to revitalization of the K토토 배팅사이트ean economy. The first activity period ran f토토 배팅사이트 five years from FY2014 to FY2018 and the second period ran f토토 배팅사이트 five years from FY2018 to FY2022, and we are currently w토토 배팅사이트king on 14 themes as part of the third period, which began in 2023.

  • About Chaintope 토토 배팅사이트.토토 배팅토토 배팅사이트
In a society where all kinds of inf토토 배팅사이트mation are being digitized, the question arises: "Can this data be trusted?" As a global leader in blockchain technology, we strive to answer this question by developing the blockchain platf토토 배팅사이트m "Tapyrus" and w토토 배팅사이트king to implement it in society. Our mission is to bring trust to the data-driven w토토 배팅사이트ld. By enhancing data transparency, we aim to create an environment where everyone can use data with confidence. With the spirit of a pioneer, embracing the path untraveled, we are committed to driving transf토토 배팅사이트mation from business to societal structures every day.
Chaintope 토토 배팅사이트. website:https://www.토토 배팅사이트.com/en/

·Inf토토 배팅사이트mation is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release. Please be advised that inf토토 배팅사이트mation may be outdated after that point.

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