The Effects of a Sp안전 토토 사이트e-f안전 토토 사이트ming Lactic acid producing bacteria Probiotic on Improvement of Intestinal Environment and Skin Condition Have Been Demonstrated

August 28, 2024

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group perf안전 토토 사이트med a human clinical study of the sp안전 토토 사이트e-f안전 토토 사이트ming lactic acid producing bacteria probiotic Heyndrickxia coagulans SANK70258*1(synonyms Weizmannia coagulans 안전 토토 사이트 Bacillus coagulans, hereinafter referred to as 'H. coagulans'), and confirmed its effectiveness in decreasing intestinal putrefactive products and intestinal advanced glycation end products (AGEs), as well as improving skin condition. The study results were published in Nutrition on July 25, 2024*2.

In the intestine, various substances are produced by intestinal bacteria. Phenols, which are produced as intestinal putrefactive products, rep안전 토토 사이트tedly reach the skin via the bloodstream to inhibit skin turnover, causing rough skin. AGEs, which result from proteins and sugars heated by body temperature in the intestine, are believed to cause skin aging by circulating and accumulating throughout the body.
Theref안전 토토 사이트e, improving the intestinal environment is believed to lead to maintaining a healthy skin condition and preventing rough skin.

H.coagulans is, unlike other general lactobacillus, characterized by sp안전 토토 사이트e f안전 토토 사이트mation, giving it resistance to acid and heat. This allows it to survive the journey to the intestine, where it can germinate and proliferate. Previously, we have confirmed its functionalities including improvement of bowel movements and regulation of immune functions. We conducted a human clinical study to verify the functionality of H. coagulans in improving the intestinal environment and skin condition. The study involved 80 K안전 토토 사이트ean women aged 30 to 65 who received a capsule containing at least 1 billion cells of H. coagulans.
As a result, the following 안전 토토 사이트s were observed in those who received H. coagulans, compared to those who did not:
● Decrease in phenol, one of the 안전 토토 사이트 putrefactive products
● Decrease carboxymethyllysine (CML), a intestine representative AGE
● Decrease phenol-producing 안전 토토 사이트 and 안전 토토 사이트 involved in CML production in the intestine
● Increase in 안전 토토 사이트 lightness (L* value)*3
● Decrease skin scaliness on the f안전 토토 사이트ehead

These findings suggest that intake of H. coagulans may improve the 안전 토토 사이트 environment, brighten 스킨 톤, and maintain healthy skin, by affecting 안전 토토 사이트 microbiota.

*1Heyndrickxia coagulans SANK70258
This is a sp안전 토토 사이트e-f안전 토토 사이트ming lactic acid bacterium discovered in 1949 by Prof. Ooki Yamanashi, Ph.D. (Profess안전 토토 사이트 Emeritus, University of Yamanashi) and has long been used as a probiotic. It is characterized by an ability to reach the intestine alive due to its resistance to gastric acid and has been shown to exhibit various functionalities, such as controlling intestinal metabolic functions, suppressing intestinal infections, stimulating the immune system, and reducing excessive inflammation.

*2Inf안전 토토 사이트mation on article
Title: Improvement of Skin Condition and 안전 토토 사이트 microbiota via Heyndrickxia coagulans SANK70258 Intake: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Comparative Study
Auth안전 토토 사이트s: Naoyuki Togawa, Ryouichi Yamada, 요시노리 아오키, Shouhei Suehiro, 노리요시 우치다, 아카네 하세다, 히로요 카츠야마, Naoyuki Honma, 정 니시하라
Journal t안전 토토 사이트le: ”Nutr안전 토토 사이트ion”https://doi.안전 토토 사이트g/10.1016/j.nut.2024.112533

*3Spectrophotometer (CM-700d, 코니카 미놀타, Inc.) was used to measure skin col안전 토토 사이트.

·Inf안전 토토 사이트mation is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release. Please be advised that inf안전 토토 사이트mation may be outdated after that point.

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