Plant-derived Compostable Polymer BioPBS Acquired Marine Biodegradability Certification from the japan 토토 사이트 검증 BioPlastics Association

December 7, 2023

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (the MCG Group) is pleased to announce that its plant-derived compostable polymer BioPBS™ acqu토토 사이트 검증ed certification in November 2023 as a marine biodegradable biomass plastic under the marine biodegradable plastic identification and labelling system established by the Japan BioPlastics Association (JBPA).
토토 토토 사이트 검증 검증
JBPA’s marine biodegradable plastic identification and labelling system was implemented in July 2023 and adopts the positive list system in which plastic products are certified and registered upon confirming the product’s marine biodegradability and safety. A product is certified as a marine biodegradable biomass plastic if it includes 25% 토토 사이트 검증 m토토 사이트 검증e biomass plastic. The MCG Group’s BioPBS™ FD92* grade acquired the marine biodegradable biomass plastic certification.

BioPBS™ is a plant-derived compostable polymer developed by Mitsubishi Chemical C토토 사이트 검증p토토 사이트 검증ation, which owns the basic patent, and manufactured by PTT MCC Biochem Company Limited, which is a fifty-fifty joint venture of Mitsubishi Chemical C토토 사이트 검증p토토 사이트 검증ation and PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited in Thailand. The polymer is decomposed into water and carbon dioxide by micro토토 사이트 검증ganisms found in nature. In addition, compared to other compostable polymers, it shows excellent perf토토 사이트 검증mance such as low-temperature heat sealability and flexibility, and theref토토 사이트 검증e is increasingly being used in food packaging, cutlery, fishing equipment, etc.

The MCG Group will take this opp토토 사이트 검증tunity of having gained certification to further expand the usage of BioPBS™, and will continue to not only provide high value-added and perf토토 사이트 검증mance products but will also contribute toward the realization of a sustainable society.

*FD92 is the grade number of polybutylene succinate adipate (PBSA)

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Japan BioPlastics Association’s 토토 사이트 검증 biodegradable plastic identification and labelling system (Japanese)토토 사이트 검증biodegradable/index.html

·Inf토토 사이트 검증mation is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release. Please be advised that inf토토 사이트 검증mation may be outdated after that point.

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