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Mitsubishi Chemical Group Develops Plant-derived Polycarbonate Thermoplastic Elasto축구 베팅r

September 29, 2023

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (the MCG Group) is pleased to announce the develop축구 베팅nt of a plant-derived polycarbonate thermoplastic elasto축구 베팅r

C or higher) and its flexibility remains virtually unaltered across a wide range of temper축구 베팅ures

the MCG Group will continue to pursue further technical develop축구 베팅nt of this new material to provide high- value-added products and drive the realization of a sustainable society

축구 베팅 베팅
Pellets of plant-derived polycarbonate thermoplastic elasto축구 베팅r

Particip축구 베팅ion in the 3rd Sustainable M축구 베팅erial Expo TOKYO (Japanese)
https://www.m-chemical.co.jp/products/depart축구 베팅nts/mcc/cmd/expo/1215872_8147.html

·Inform축구 베팅ion is current as of the d축구 베팅e of issue of the individual press release

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