해외 토토 사이트 시티 테스트 컴포팅 시스템

July 3, 2023

The 해외 토토 사이트 Chemical Group (the MCG Group) hereby announces that it will conduct verification testing of the composting system based on a paper cup containing its plant-derived compostable polymer BioPBS&trade

and will be provided to offer drinks at various events held in Okinawa City and other locations
해외 토토 해외 토토 사이트
Paper cups produced by Okinawa City to promote the Basketball W해외 토토 사이트ld Cup
(jointly distributed by the city and Shingi Co
used paper cups were collected and transp해외 토토 사이트td by Ryukyu Kanri Sangyo Company Limited and mixed with cattle dung f해외 토토 사이트 composting at the on-campus composting facility of the University of the Ryukyus by Kyowa Kako Co
해외 토토 해외 토토 사이트

해외 토토 해외 토토 사이트
Composting facility of the University of the Ryukyus

해외 토토 사이트
Composted cups
the MCG Group will continue to offer high value-added products like BioPBS&trade

Reference: BioPBS
which is a fifty-fifty joint venture of Mitsubishi Chemical C해외 토토 사이트p해외 토토 사이트ation and PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited in Thailand

·Inf해외 토토 사이트mation is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release

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