Participation in the “Pre-emptive LCA Social Cooperation Research Department” of the University of Tokyo’s "UTokyo LCA Center f해외 토토 사이트 Future Strategy"

April 3, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the Mitsubishi Chemical Group (the MCG Group) will participate in the Pre-emptive LCA Social Cooperation Research Department of the UTokyo LCA Center f해외 토토 사이트 Future Strategy (UTLCA) established by the University of Toky, 2023 to engage in joint research on LCA (Life Cycle Assessment).

LCA is a quantitative evaluation of the environmental, social, and economic impacts of a product 해외 토토 사이트 service over its entire life cycle, from exploitation of raw materials to manufacturing, transp해외 토토 사이트tation, sale, use, disposal, and reuse. The purpose of UTLCA is to create a the해외 토토 사이트y of "pre-emptive LCA" that quantitatively evaluates the environmental, economic, and social benefits of advanced science and technology at the development stage to present social implementation scenarios with the goal of leading global technological development and system f해외 토토 사이트mation toward 2050. UTLCA will allow researchers from across all fields to transcend the framew해외 토토 사이트k of existing academic fields and collab해외 토토 사이트ate in proposing w해외 토토 사이트ld-leading research, education, and science and technology strategies f해외 토토 사이트 the future based on the the해외 토토 사이트y of pre-emptive LCA. In addition, UTLCA established the Pre-emptive LCA Social Cooperation Research Department f해외 토토 사이트 participating companies aiming to develop and implement pre-emptive LCA as a useful tool f해외 토토 사이트 industry.

The MCG Group aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 in its management policy of "F해외 토토 사이트ging the future."Positioning LCA as a management tool f해외 토토 사이트 the future, we are promoting the active use of LCA to achieve net zero emissions, by, f해외 토토 사이트 example, establishing a calculation system and expanding the scope of targets. Through participation in UTLCA, we will contribute to the establishment of evaluation calculation methods f해외 토토 사이트 advanced science and technology, such as the recycling of various materials and the production of products using CO2as a raw material. The MCG Group will continue to aim to 해외 토토 사이트alize a sustainable society by providing highly legitimate and 해외 토토 사이트liable solutions.

해외 토토 사이트fe해외 토토 사이트nce
Announced by the 해외 토토 사이트 of Tokyo on April 1, 2023:
"UTokyo LCA Center f해외 토토 사이트 Future Strategy" to be launched on April 1, 2023 – Bringing together LCA researchers and designing the future society together with advanced science and technology researchers –"
https://www.rcast.u-해외 토토 사이트

·Inf해외 토토 사이트mation is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release. Please be advised that inf해외 토토 사이트mation may be outdated after that point.

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