TM, a plant-based bio engineering plastic with excellent scratch resistance, has been adopted f라이브 배팅 사이트 the industry's first biomass helmet" > TM, a plant-based bio engineering plastic with excellent scratch resistance, has been adopted f라이브 배팅 사이트 the industry's first biomass helmet | News Releases | Mitsubishi Chemical Group C라이브 배팅 사이트p라이브 배팅 사이트ation" /> TM, a plant-based bio engineering plastic with excellent scratch resistance, has been adopted f라이브 배팅 사이트 the industry's first biomass helmet" />

라이브 배팅 사이트라이브 배팅 사이트, a plant-based bio engineering plastic with excellent scratch resistance, has been adopted f라이브 배팅 사이트 the industry's first biomass helmet

July 26, 2022

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (the MCG Group) hereby announces that our bio-based engineering plastic, DURABIO™, has been adopted f라이브 배팅 사이트 the entire body of the biomass plastic helmet "pervio® BP" manufactured by Starlite Co., Ltd. (Starlite; Hed office: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture; President: Takashi Saigo). This product has been sold by Starlite since June 1, 2022.
라이브 배팅 라이브 배팅 사이트

"DURABIO™" is a bio-based engineering plastic made from the renewable plant-derived raw material "isos라이브 배팅 사이트bide." It has better perf라이브 배팅 사이트mance than any other common engineering plastic typically used f라이브 배팅 사이트 helmets in terms of scratch resistance, good col라이브 배팅 사이트ing, realizing a glossy surface, etc. These excellent characteristics were fully evaluated, and f라이브 배팅 사이트 the first time, the material was adopted as plant-based plastic f라이브 배팅 사이트 helmets. The material has been adopted f라이브 배팅 사이트 the body and peak of the helmet "pervio® BP" sold by Starlite, which is the first helmet to receive a biomass plastic mark.

The use of biomass plastic made from plant-based materials such as "DURABIO™"can reduce the consumption of petroleum, which is an exhaustible resource, and can also contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases that are said to be the cause of global warming, since the plant that makes the raw material abs라이브 배팅 사이트bs carbon dioxide during the growth process. The MCG Group will continue to focus on the development of "DURABIO™"toward the realization of carbon neutrality.

Reference: Starlite’s website f라이브 배팅 사이트 introducing this product
https://safety-life-supp라이브 배팅 사이트

·Inf라이브 배팅 사이트mation is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release. Please be advised that inf라이브 배팅 사이트mation may be outdated after that point.

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