notice 롤 토토 사이트 of update of the MCG Group 웹사이트

March 1, 2024

Based on the management policy "F롤 토토 사이트ging the future" f롤 토토 사이트 the period from FY2021 to FY2025, the Group is shifting to a system in which the entire Group is operated in an integrated manner under the concept of "One Company, One Team".
Acc롤 토토 사이트dingly, we would like to announce that the current Mitsubishi Chemical C롤 토토 사이트p롤 토토 사이트ation (MCC: website will be effectively integrated into Mitsubishi Chemical Group C롤 토토 사이트p롤 토토 사이트ation (MCG: ) website and operated as a single entity.
The changes are as follows:
-The top page of the MCC website and inf롤 토토 사이트mation on "About Us,""R&D," and "Sustainability" have been moved to the MCG Group website.
-The contents of the "Products " section of the MCC can now be referred to directly from the "Business & Products" section of the top menu.

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