{"id":13716,"date":"2021-03-15T17:08:58","date_gmt":"2021-03-15T21:08:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.consigli.com\/?p=13716"},"modified":"2021-03-18T08:51:36","modified_gmt":"2021-03-18T12:51:36","slug":"2021-market-outlook-material-and-labor-supply-update","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.consigli.com\/2021-market-outlook-material-and-labor-supply-update\/","title":{"rendered":"2021 Market Outlook: Material and Labor Supply Update"},"content":{"rendered":"

To help our partners plan throughout 2021, our team continues to collect data across all markets, from New England to the Mid-Atlantic, to forecast market trends, prices and schedule impacts. Overall, this year, we continue to see material prices rise especially in metals, while the\u00a0 pandemic has forced subcontractors to embrace more technology to pre-fabricate and utilize design-assist more often to improve speed-to-market.<\/p>\n


2021 Market Outlook: Material and Labor Supply Update<\/h2>\n

Insight from Peter Capone, Consigli\u2019s Director of Purchasing<\/h4>\n

EVOLVING TRENDS<\/span><\/h5>\n



The pandemic has motivated subcontractors and vendors to implement technological advancements into their shop and field processes. Cost saving material management software, tool upgrades and robotics are improving efficiencies which is allowing subcontractors the flexibility in managing on-site workforce restrictions.<\/p>\n


Surveyed participants are pre-fabricating 20%more than before the pandemic, assisting in managing workforce requirements in the field.<\/p>\n


71% of our respondents noticed an increase in requests for design-assist proposals which further confirms the need for speed-to-market becoming a priority of many clients. Ensuring the construction manager has a defined process for properly implementing this approach will benefit project schedules. Vetting\u00a0subcontractors for similar project experience, backlog capacity and financial wherewithal should be a focus.<\/p>\n


72% of the surveyed subcontractors are not concerned with staffing projects in 2021. Based on work in the pipeline, we should continue to monitor workforce resources for 2022.<\/p>\n
