Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Project at a Glance

Cambridge, MA


Beyer, Blinder, Belle Architects & Planners

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  • Executed this major renovation project within the operational Sloan School campus and within close proximity to Memorial Drive
  • Explored methods to bring tipico sportsbook reviewsextensive natural daylight into historic building through major structural invention
  • Analyzed approaches to add a potential seventh floor to house the Faculty Club and conference spaces

To provide their world-renowned Department of Economics and Sloan School of Management with updated administrative spaces and an expanded Faculty Club, MIT embarked on a comprehensive renovation and restoration of a campus building originally constructed in 1938.

The project entailed a gut interior renovation with new M/E/P systems and structural infill to accommodate the redesigned interior spaces, as well as a vertical addition to house the Faculty Club and conference areas. tipico casinoSustainable initiatives to achieve the targeted LEED Gold certification included a full window replacement, energy-efficient systems and introduction of significant natural daylight within the interior of the building.