Cambridge Housing Authority

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Project at a Glance

Cambridge, MA


Dietz and Company Architects, Inc.

Project Type

New Construction

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  • Deep energy retrofit of dated building infrastructure to improve overall efficiency
  • Management of a full roof replacement, façade skinning and new infrastructure installation
  • Complex phasing, safety and communication plans in place to safely and tipico sportsbook reviewsefficiently conduct work around elderly building occupants

Millers River Apartments is a 19-story apartment building featuring 297 low-income, senior and respite housing units. The high-rise has gone largely untouched since its original 1970’s construction, calling for a deep energy retrofit and renovation of the dated building infrastructure, with a significant goal being to improve the building’s systems and thermal efficiency. Individual units and common areas are being revitalized, and the exterior is receiving a full roof replacement and total reskinning of the façade, which requires the removal of existing balconies to increase unit square footage.

Because of the apartment tipico sports betting appcomplex’s thermal load needs, a 125 kilowatt (kW) trigeneration system is being installed. Hot water from the engine supplements the building’s heating needs, while the installation of a 600 MBH hot water absorption chiller supports cooling needs. The new heating plant features hot water boilers and indirect water heaters for domestic water, and the cooling plant features a high-efficiency 325 ton air-cooled chiller. To increase resident comfort, the building envelope is also being refitted to provide more insulation, and each apartment now features a four-pipe fan coil system. LED lighting is being installed throughout the building in lieu of the existing halogens tipico casinoand fluorescent lights.