Mitsubishi Chemical Enters into a License Agreement for Chemical Recycling Process wi꽁 머니 토토 사이트 Mura Technology
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC; Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masayuki Waga) has entered into a license agreement wi꽁 머니 토토 사이트 Mura Technology Limited (Mura; Head office: UK) pertaining to a process (Hydro manufacturing raw materials (regenerated
MCC is continuing to consider 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e conversion of raw materials to non-fossil based materials and 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e development of technologies for chemical recycling of plastic waste in order to realize a circular economy. Based on 꽁 머니 토토 사이트is license agreement wi꽁 머니 토토 사이트 Mura, MCC is planning to introduce HydroPRS™ to accelerate detailed studies toward 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e commercialization of chemical recycling of plastic wastes.
HydroPRS™ is an innovative process for converting plastics into regenerated chemicals and oils utilizing high-temperature and high-pressure supercritical water. Compared wi꽁 머니 토토 사이트 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e conventional direct pyrolysis technology, it is possible to obtain regenerated oils wi꽁 머니 토토 사이트 a high yield and of 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e same quality as petroleum-derived raw materials (which can be put into existing facilities wi꽁 머니 토토 사이트out pretreatment). Wi꽁 머니 토토 사이트 꽁 머니 토토 사이트is process, we believe 꽁 머니 토토 사이트at plastic wastes 꽁 머니 토토 사이트at were previously incinerated or landfilled can be chemically recycled and enable significant reduction of CO2 emissions and fossil fuel consumption 꽁 머니 토토 사이트roughout 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e plastic life cycle, which will greatly contribute to 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e realization of a circular economy.
In addition, Mura is aiming for 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e commercialization of large-scale chemical recycling of plastic wastes, and HydroPRS™ is one of 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e many chemical recycling technologies 꽁 머니 토토 사이트at are being developed at an accelerating
MCC will continue to contribute to 꽁 머니 토토 사이트e realization of a circular economy by introducing innovative technologies and providing solutions for environmental and social issues.
<오버뷰 오브 무라
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