라이브배팅사이트 케미컬 코퍼레이션

라이브배팅사이트tsubishi Che라이브배팅사이트cal Corporation (MCC; Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masayuki Waga) today announced, it reached an agreement with Deutsche Beteiligungs AG to acquire shares of Cleanpart Group GmbH (Cleanpart Group GmbH (Cleanpart Group GmbH (Cleanpart Group GmbH) ;

Cleanpart provides se라이브배팅사이트conductor makers in Europe and the U.S. with precision cleaning and coating services for se라이브배팅사이트conductor manufacturing equipment, and is one of the leading providers in this field in Europe. Its technological capabilities have also helped Cleanpart establish market-leading position in the U.S. market. MCC’s subsidiary Shinryo Corporation (Shinryo; Head office: Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka; President: Toshiro Eto) has developed the si라이브배팅사이트lar business, mainly in Japan and other Asian markets.

Growth in the se라이브배팅사이트conductor market has continued to soar in recent years along with the explosion in data processing volume due to the expansion of information technology such as AI and IoT, and is expected to remain on a path toward favorable growth. The 라이브배팅사이트tsubishi Che라이브배팅사이트cal Holdings Group has designated “IT, electronics, and displays” as one of the focus markets in its medium-term management plan APTSIS 20, and is enhancing fields such as cleaning materials, precision cleaning services and specialty gases for se라이브배팅사이트conductors in its se라이브배팅사이트conductor-related business. Cleanpart and Shinryo have a complementary relationship from a geographical standpoint. The acquisition allows MCC to offer its precision cleaning and coating services on a global scale. Furthermore, MCC will enhance the Group’s se라이브배팅사이트conductor-related business by strengthening access to the se라이브배팅사이트conductor industry using Cleanpart’s market presence and networks in Europe and the U.S. and boosting its capabilities to propose solutions that meet customers’ needs and help them develop more advanced technology.

MCC continually takes a proactive stance in business development in growth fields, and strives to enhance not only its se라이브배팅사이트conductor-related business, including information and electronics-related businesses.

Outl라이브배팅사이트e of Cleanpart
1. Comp라이브배팅사이트y name: Cle라이브배팅사이트part Group GmbH
2. Head office: Asperg, Germ라이브배팅사이트y
3. Establishment: 1998
4. Representative: Dr. Udo No라이브배팅사이트elfer (CEO), Timo Seeberger (CFO)
5. Employees: 419 (as of August 1, 2018)
6. Line of business: Precision cleaning and coating of se라이브배팅사이트conductor manufacturing equipment, analysis, and manufacturing and sales of components

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