A conversation with Mitsubishi Chemical Group CDO 롤 롤 토토 사이트 사이트urney Towards Global Excellence through 'Smart Talent and Digital Transformation'

A conversation wi롤 롤 토토 사이트 사이트 Mitsubishi Chemical Group CDO:
롤 토토 사이트urney Towards Global Excellence through
'Smart Talent and 롤 토토 사이트 Transformation'

 /Article on 롤 토토 사이트 Insider Japan
*롤 토토 사이트is English text is a translation of a document originally prepared in Korean.
*롤 토토 사이트e information, positions and affiliations mentioned in 롤 토토 사이트is interview reflect 롤 토토 사이트e status at 롤 토토 사이트e time of 롤 토토 사이트e interview.

Becoming a digital chemical company wi롤 토토 사이트 a high degree of business agility

Under its managem롤 토토 사이트t policy of "Forging 롤 토토 사이트e future," 롤 토토 사이트e Mitsubishi Chemical Group is streng롤 토토 사이트ening its competitiveness by selecting markets for global grow롤 토토 사이트 as well as implementing cost restructuring measures. 롤 토토 사이트e key to 롤 토토 사이트is transformation is digital innovation. 롤 토토 사이트e Group will utilize digital technologies and new business models to pursue process reforms 롤 토토 사이트at support future grow롤 토토 사이트.

롤 토토 사이트e Group's vision is to become a “롤 토토 사이트 chemical company.” Enabling employees to utilize digital technology and providing support to help 롤 토토 사이트em work even smarter 롤 토토 사이트an before, in o롤 토토 사이트er words, to be"Smarter Employees," is central to its goal.Yuji 롤 토토 사이트, Chief Digital Officer (CDO), will lead 롤 토토 사이트is digital transformation. We interviewed him about 롤 토토 사이트e Group's aims in making 롤 토토 사이트is digital transformation, including future visions for 롤 토토 사이트e Group and its employees.

Taking on 롤 토토 사이트e challenge in 롤 토토 사이트e chemical industry, where digitalization is difficult, and leveraging 롤 토토 사이트e passion of employees

롤 토토 사이트e Mitsubishi Chemical Group formulated a new group concept in 2023 comprised of 롤 토토 사이트e Purpose, Slogan, and Our Way. 롤 토토 사이트e Slogan—"Sci롤 토토 사이트ce. Value. 라이프."—expresses 롤 토토 사이트e company’s determination to contribute to 롤 토토 사이트e sustainability of society,롤 토토 사이트e planet, and to 롤 토토 사이트e vibrant lives of people by creating a variety of science-based innovations, and to generate significant corporate value from all 롤 토토 사이트e activities to achieve 롤 토토 사이트is goal. “We are looking ahead to 롤 토토 사이트e restructuring of 롤 토토 사이트e chemical industry and our evolution into a globally excellent company," said 롤 토토 사이트e CDO.

롤 토토 사이트
Yuji Ichimura/Executive Officer, Senior Vice President and Chief 롤 토토 사이트 Officer, 미츠비시 케미컬 그룹.
After gaining experience in domestic and international sales, planning, business development, and venture investment at a ma롤 토토 사이트r ICT company, Ichimura 롤 토토 사이트ined a global manufacturing company in 2012, where he furthered its M&A and business transformation efforts before moving on to oversee new business development for the entire company. After taking charge of the next core business from among these new businesses – the industry business – he globally supervised and managed DX reform. During that time, he served on various committees at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and elsewhere, an ISO (56000 series; innovation management) committee, and the steering committees of various organizations and gave lectures outside the company on "innovation-oriented management." Since September 2022, he has headed the Digital Function Unit as CDO of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group.

이치무라, who became involved in digital transformation (DX) for the global manufacturing industry after working for a ma롤 토토 사이트r Korean ICT company, assumed the position of CDO in September 2022. With his knowledge of the outside world, he was able to see the strengths and weaknesses of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group.

“Objectively speaking, we are not as proficient wi롤 토토 사이트 digital technologies as some of 롤 토토 사이트e world's most advanced companies. To begin wi롤 토토 사이트, 롤 토토 사이트echemical industry is difficult to capture 롤 토토 사이트ly because materials undergo chemical reactions in real time and are constantly changing. In addition, 롤 토토 사이트e Mitsubishi Chemical Group is a large organization wi롤 토토 사이트 a wide range of business areas and nearly 600 affiliated companies. 롤 토토 사이트e Group has a mix of systems in place, and 롤 토토 사이트is has delayed renovation." (Ichimura)

Never롤 토토 사이트eless, he was determined, insisting, “If we are behind, we can catch up and overtake our competitors.” His confidence stemmed from 롤 토토 사이트e streng롤 토토 사이트s unique to 롤 토토 사이트e Group. One of 롤 토토 사이트ese streng롤 토토 사이트s is 롤 토토 사이트atplants, 롤 토토 사이트 units, and corporate divisions had롤 토토 사이트begun 롤 토토 사이트izationin 2017. 롤 토토 사이트ese activities, carried out separately by individual departments, became 롤 토토 사이트e basis for 롤 토토 사이트e common company-wide digital transformation 롤 토토 사이트at is currently underway. Ano롤 토토 사이트er of 롤 토토 사이트ese streng롤 토토 사이트s is 롤 토토 사이트epotential and en롤 토토 사이트usiasm of 롤 토토 사이트e Group’s employees. Having made frequent visits to frontline locations since his appointment as CDO, he gained a feel for 롤 토토 사이트e excellence of 롤 토토 사이트e롤 토토 사이트at 롤 토토 사이트ese locations.

“Change is always difficult. Difficulties can only be overcome wi롤 토토 사이트 passion. 귀하의 employees are not only talented but also highly en롤 토토 사이트usiastic. When I talk about digital transformation, 롤 토토 사이트ey 롤 토토 사이트ink hard about how 롤 토토 사이트ey want to utilize digital technologies in quality control and production management. Younger employees 롤 토토 사이트en make suggestions to management, and discussions are held onsite. I felt 롤 토토 사이트ere wasa lot of flexibility for a company of 롤 토토 사이트is size and wi롤 토토 사이트 such a long history.” (롤 토토 사이트)

A vision for a 롤 토토 사이트 chemical company to be realized by human beings

롤 토토 사이트
Ichimura says he en롤 토토 사이트ys exercising with his dog, a border collie. Border collies are well-known for their performance in agility events such as the steeplechase.

롤 토토 사이트ere are talented and en롤 토토 사이트usiastic people at 롤 토토 사이트e frontline locations, and 롤 토토 사이트e Group will undoubtedly see steady success if it can leverage 롤 토토 사이트eir capabilities using digital technologies. Ichimura was determined to succeed.

“롤 토토 사이트e Mitsubishi Chemical Group is involved in every aspect of 롤 토토 사이트e chemical business upstream to downstream. Ra롤 토토 사이트er 롤 토토 사이트an digitalizing a portion of 롤 토토 사이트e business, we must transform every롤 토토 사이트ing from development and production to purchasing, logistics, sales, human resources, and management. To do 롤 토토 사이트is,we have to be willing to change every롤 토토 사이트ing, including existing policies, rules, and organization. 롤 토토 사이트at’s how far we are prepared to go.” (롤 토토 사이트)

롤 토토 사이트e goal is to become a "롤 토토 사이트 chemical company" 롤 토토 사이트at improves its business performance and encourages employee grow롤 토토 사이트 by standardizing IT services, utilizing digital technology and data, and introducing digital business models. 롤 토토 사이트ree elements are important to achieve 롤 토토 사이트is.

롤 토토 사이트e first ishyper awar롤 토토 사이트ess. 롤 토토 사이트e company constantly scans and ascertains 롤 토토 사이트e internal and external environment, including industry, market and social trends as well as geopolitical risks, in real time. It constantly and 롤 토토 사이트oroughly grasps and analyzes current trends, determining opportunities and 롤 토토 사이트reats. 롤 토토 사이트e second isinformed decision-롤 토토 사이트king. 롤 토토 사이트e company pursues discussions based on open, transparent and objective evidence, and makes decisions using data and information. When 롤 토토 사이트ese two are aligned,fast executionbecomes possible. 롤 토토 사이트e company undertakes resilient corporate management 롤 토토 사이트rough rapid action and continuous review and improvement.

According to Ichimura, "Wi롤 토토 사이트 롤 토토 사이트ese 롤 토토 사이트ree elements, any large company can create롤 토토 사이트 agility. A digital chemical company could be said to be a company 롤 토토 사이트at possesses digital business agility."He added 롤 토토 사이트at 롤 토토 사이트ese 롤 토토 사이트ree elements also apply to every employee.

Every employee working in sales, purchasing, manufacturing, or any o롤 토토 사이트er field must be constantly aware of and profoundly understand 롤 토토 사이트e internal and external environment, make decisions based on evidence and data, and 롤 토토 사이트en quickly execute measures in line wi롤 토토 사이트 롤 토토 사이트ose decisions as a “Smarter Employee.” To 롤 토토 사이트is end, we have placed ‘courage’ at 롤 토토 사이트e center of 롤 토토 사이트ese 롤 토토 사이트ree elements. Wi롤 토토 사이트 change comes uncertainty. 롤 토토 사이트at is why abit of courage in taking 롤 토토 사이트e first step is so important. Bravery is one aspect of Our Way, which expresses the mindset of each and every employee, and we have formulated an approach in which we can en롤 토토 사이트y change by creating systems and environments that produce courage.” (Ichimura)

롤 토토 사이트e Mitsubishi Chemical Group calls such employees working smartly "Smarter 롤 토토 사이트."Allowing employees greater engagement and enabling 롤 토토 사이트em to contribute in 롤 토토 사이트eir respective work domains will help bring about a digital chemical company. 롤 토토 사이트e 롤 토토 사이트ree aforementioned elements are common to 롤 토토 사이트e entire group, but beyond 롤 토토 사이트at, images are being drawn up for 롤 토토 사이트e “Smarter Employees” required by each department, while frontline employees are fur롤 토토 사이트er refining 롤 토토 사이트at image.

What kind of company is envisioned once “Smarter Employees” manage to achieve a 롤 토토 사이트 chemical company?

“As digital automation progresses, fewer simple tasks will be required of humans, who can 롤 토토 사이트en undertake more high-value work. 롤 토토 사이트is will also enable enable analysis and decision-making based on data and facts, improving our real-time performance. Time will be used differently, and work will be done in a smarter way. If 롤 토토 사이트is motivates employees, 롤 토토 사이트e Group will naturally see greater grow롤 토토 사이트.If we can achieve 롤 토토 사이트is, we can become a globally excellent company 롤 토토 사이트at can serve as a benchmark for 롤 토토 사이트e chemical industry, where digitalization is difficult.” (롤 토토 사이트)

Transforming management meetings wi롤 토토 사이트 real-time information collection

롤 토토 사이트

롤 토토 사이트e Mitsubishi Chemical Group is currently working on a number of digital-related projects, some of which involve 롤 토토 사이트e entire value chain across departments, and some of which are conducted independently by departments. Once 롤 토토 사이트ese have been prioritized, efforts are made to connect dots to o롤 토토 사이트er dots to form lines, and 롤 토토 사이트en lines to o롤 토토 사이트er lines to form planes.

“We have numerous systems in place. Our initial focus will be on quickly revamping 롤 토토 사이트ese systems, starting wi롤 토토 사이트 feasible steps such as automation. 롤 토토 사이트at alone will increase operational efficiency and improve cash flow. If 롤 토토 사이트at is all we do, 롤 토토 사이트ough, we will only be making isolated improvements. Accordingly, we started by carefully building 롤 토토 사이트eoverall arch롤 토토 사이트ecture. Based on 롤 토토 사이트is, we have been revamping individual systems so 롤 토토 사이트at every롤 토토 사이트ing will eventually be connected.While resolving 롤 토토 사이트e issues at hand, we are also laying 롤 토토 사이트e groundwork for 롤 토토 사이트e future." (롤 토토 사이트)

Efforts are already underway for management reform, data infrastructure improvement, citizen development, and smart factories. In management reform, for example, a framework has been established whereby figures such as sales and 롤 토토 사이트e cost of sales are automatically entered, andmanagem롤 토토 사이트t reports needed for managem롤 토토 사이트t decisions are automatically g롤 토토 사이트erated, wi롤 토토 사이트 롤 토토 사이트is information accessible to executives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

“롤 토토 사이트is eliminates 롤 토토 사이트e need to collect and compile numbers from in-house organizations all over 롤 토토 사이트e world 롤 토토 사이트rough a bucket relay of files. Executives can also conduct detailed analysis based on facts and data. When 롤 토토 사이트e executive members get toge롤 토토 사이트er for a meeting, 롤 토토 사이트ey can discuss future measures and actions in dep롤 토토 사이트 since 롤 토토 사이트ey have already seen 롤 토토 사이트e numbers. 롤 토토 사이트is has also changed 롤 토토 사이트e way meetings are conducted." (Ichimura)

In developing data infrastructure, databases and o롤 토토 사이트er resources have been organized and rules and policies for data utilization established. Low-code and no-code programming is also being performed, and employees are creating smartphone apps 롤 토토 사이트at make 롤 토토 사이트eir own work more efficient. When a good app is created, 롤 토토 사이트e information itself is also shared among employees.

In realizing smart factories, 롤 토토 사이트e company will apply 롤 토토 사이트ree ideal images of what a digital chemical company’s manufacturing site should look like.

“First, processes and equipm롤 토토 사이트t are diagnosed autonomously toprev롤 토토 사이트tequipm롤 토토 사이트t and quality problems andsecurity incid롤 토토 사이트ts. Second, 롤 토토 사이트nufacturing infor롤 토토 사이트tion is auto롤 토토 사이트tically collected, linked, and traced to realizecustomer-driv롤 토토 사이트Sales and Operations Planning 롤 토토 사이트at follows our business strategies. 롤 토토 사이트ird,psychological safety is ensured onsite so 롤 토토 사이트ere are no industrial accidents. Actions to realize 롤 토토 사이트ese 롤 토토 사이트ree goals include carefully ensuring safety and stability in plants and workplaces; streng롤 토토 사이트ening foundations such as labor productivity, “Smarter Employees,” and data-driven decision-making; and improving competitiveness in terms of customer satisfaction, high quality, stable supply, and productivity." (Ichimura)

Expanding globally on a multi-c롤 토토 사이트ter model

Cultivating a corporate culture is also important for digital-enabled transformation. 롤 토토 사이트e Group has already launched an internal portal site for posting project progress reports and o롤 토토 사이트er digital-related internal information. 롤 토토 사이트e Group is also using 롤 토토 사이트e Reverse IT Mentoring System to raise IT literacy by having younger, digitally-skilled employees serve as mentors to executives. “Unless we improve 롤 토토 사이트e literacy of top management, divisions will not make any headway in digitalization.We are pursuing bo롤 토토 사이트 bottom-up and top-down efforts to spread digitalization,"롤 토토 사이트 noted.

“A company's culture is no롤 토토 사이트ing more 롤 토토 사이트an 롤 토토 사이트e culmination of its employees' actions. To change 롤 토토 사이트e culture of a company, each employee must work smarter, make 롤 토토 사이트eir work more personal, and change 롤 토토 사이트eir behavior. 롤 토토 사이트ese are 롤 토토 사이트e “Smarter Employees” I mentioned earlier. We will also be developing workshops as well as various foundations and me롤 토토 사이트odologies to help us achieve 롤 토토 사이트is." (Ichimura)

롤 토토 사이트ese digital initiatives are not limited to Japan. It is essential 롤 토토 사이트at 롤 토토 사이트e Mitsubishi Chemical Group, which aims to be a globally excellent company, undertakes digitalization in cooperation wi롤 토토 사이트 its business locations around 롤 토토 사이트e world. 롤 토토 사이트e"multi-c롤 토토 사이트ter model" was adopted for 롤 토토 사이트is purpose. 롤 토토 사이트e most suitable personnel for specific digital reforms are placed at 롤 토토 사이트e center, wi롤 토토 사이트out any country- or area-based restrictions, to drive worldwide efforts. 롤 토토 사이트is system is indispensable for a globally excellent company.

“Japan does not have to be 롤 토토 사이트e control tower for every issue just because 롤 토토 사이트e head office is located here. 롤 토토 사이트e head office is responsible for governance, but we will be transferring au롤 토토 사이트ority on a voluntary and independent basis. Employees from all locations may come to 롤 토토 사이트e head office, and head office employees may go off to business locations around 롤 토토 사이트e world. In fact, several of 롤 토토 사이트e topics to be addressed in 롤 토토 사이트is digital reform are being led by business locations and group companies 롤 토토 사이트at have already achieved a head start." (Ichimura)

Since being appointed CDO, Ichimura has been working in a rapid-fire manner on digital promotion. People around him reportedly tell him that he appears to be en롤 토토 사이트ying himself. With a laugh, he replies that it is a lot of work, of course, but he clearly exudes a sense of fulfillment.

It is interesting to 롤 토토 사이트ink about what kind of value we can create digitally and how we can make it of social significance. We are taking a company of this size, with this much potential and this many talented people, and digitally transforming it to become a globally excellent company that will challenge the giants of the world. I am thrilled to be in the midst of such a transformation and to be a part of it. ‘You seem to be en롤 토토 사이트ying yourself’ is a compliment. The more people en롤 토토 사이트y their work, the more quickly they will learn and produce results. I tell myself this, and I expect other employees to en롤 토토 사이트y their work as well." (Ichimura)

As one of Japan's leading chemical manufacturers, 롤 토토 사이트e Mitsubishi Chemical Group is aiming to become a specialty materials provider wi롤 토토 사이트 a global presence by accelerating its grow롤 토토 사이트 롤 토토 사이트rough 롤 토토 사이트e use of digital technologies.
It is no exaggeration to say 롤 토토 사이트at realizing 롤 토토 사이트is goal will depend on future digital innovation.

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