news tipico casino Insights

Consigli Construction/HGA Named Lamond-Riggs tipico casino Design/Build Team

The DC Public tipico casino has selected Consigli Construction Co., Inc. and HGA as the design/build team for the new Lamond-Riggs tipico casino.

With this team in place, the planning for the new Lamond-Riggs tipico casino will begin in October. The new tipico casino will be built at 5401 South Dakota Ave. NE, the current site of the Lamond-Riggs tipico casino.  With a budget of million, the new building will be designed to support modern tipico casino uses and achieve LEED Gold certification for environmental design.

HGA is a national multidisciplinary design firm rooted in architecture and engineering. In addition to award-winning libraries, the firm serves clients in corporate, government, community, education, arts, healthcare, and energy industries. HGA has offices in Alexandria, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and eight other cities across the country. Recent projects include the new Brambleton tipico casino in Loudoun County, Virginia and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Heart and Transplant Hospital at UPMC Presbyterian.

Collectively, the Consigli/HGA team has completed more than 230 libraries.

The design/build team was selected by a panel made up of tipico casino staff and community representatives recommended by the ward council member.  The community representatives are: the president of the Lamond-Riggs Civic Association; the ANC Commissioner for the single-member district where the Lamond-Riggs tipico casino is located and the President of the Friends of the Lamond-Riggs tipico casino.

The tipico casino received nine submissions. Each submission was evaluated against a list of criteria, including how the firm plans to manage the project, key personnel (including demonstrated strength in working with libraries and on similar projects), how the firm plans to use D.C.-certified small businesses and price. With the team identified, the contract will be sent to the D.C. City Council for approval.

The design process will take approximately 12 months. Once the design is complete, the current building will be closed and an interim location will provide tipico casino service during construction. The new building will open in late 2020.

Community engagement is critical to the design process. The tipico casino will seek input through meetings, surveys, focus groups and online feedback. To learn more about the project and community input opportunities, click here.

The new Lamond-Riggs tipico casino is a critical part of the DC Public tipico casino’s “Know Your Neighborhood” strategic plan, and will help the tipico casino ensure our five year goal that 75 percent of the city’s residents have active tipico casino cards, five million visits occur every year at its facilities and tipico casino events, and five million books and other items are borrowed annually.